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On May 10th, the Alibaba Hangzhou Global Headquarters New Park, located in the Future Science and Technology City, was officially opened. It is currently the largest comprehensive office park of Alibaba. Looking down from the air, the center of the park features Alibaba's iconic smiling face logo, which symbolizes that Alibaba was born in Hangzhou, rooted in Hangzhou, and has been established for 25 years with the original intention of "making the world have no difficult business".
It is understood that Alibaba Hangzhou Global Headquarters adheres to the design concept of "green, technological, and sustainable", uses the Internet of Things and AI technology to build a complete set of smart office systems, and precisely regulates energy consumption in the park through the "carbon reduction brain".
On the same day, Alibaba Chaoyang Science and Technology Park located in Beijing was officially opened. May 10th is also the 20th Alibaba Day, and the first day of the opening of the two new parks will be open to Alibaba friends and family. Welcome friends and family to enter the park and welcome the opening of the new park together.
The young, open, and vibrant atmosphere of the park is full of a sense of campus
It is reported that Alibaba has established office parks or locations in more than 150 cities in China and 25 countries overseas. Hangzhou is chosen as the global headquarters location because Alibaba was born and raised in Hangzhou, always rooted in Hangzhou and facing the world.
Entering the new campus of Hangzhou Global Headquarters, the most direct feeling is youthfulness, vitality, and a strong sense of campus. A circular passage approximately 800 meters long connects 7 buildings, and there are numerous flexible office spaces on the communication ring, making it convenient for employees to freely travel and exchange ideas between different buildings. The empty LOFT design inside the building makes employees feel like they are in a campus library.
The park also has FIFA certified standard football fields, a 400 meter track certified by the Chinese Athletics Association, as well as facilities such as basketball courts, badminton courts, and gyms.
Warm hearted designs can be seen everywhere in the park. Each building is equipped with a maternity lounge and a milk preparation room, providing independent and private rest space for female employees during pregnancy and lactation. There are also 272 accessible facilities, including accessible elevators, accessible bathrooms, and accessible parking spaces. Among them, the accessibility facilities of the visitor center have been marked on the Gaode map, providing visitors with accessible navigation services.
"Alibaba has always been committed to establishing a diverse, inclusive, and inclusive workplace culture, creating a work environment that promotes employee health and vitality. One of the design concepts of the Hangzhou Global Headquarters is' happy work, serious life '," said Liu Fei, General Affairs Director of Alibaba Holding Group.
A complete set of smart office systems with "carbon reduction brain" technology for carbon reduction
Alibaba has always advocated the development concept of "green, technological, and sustainable", promoted green and low-carbon work methods, and continuously explored technology to reduce carbon emissions.
It is understood that the global headquarters in Hangzhou has utilized the Internet of Things and AI technology to achieve a complete set of smart office systems, from smart office and smart conferences to smart restaurants, smart post offices, smart parking, and more. Employee booking of meeting rooms, printing, reimbursement, travel and other scenarios are all achieved through self-service and intelligence. Each workstation has a QR code, and employees can scan the code to self adjust the air conditioning temperature and lighting brightness of their respective workstations, turn on and off lights, and use conference room projection equipment.
Alibaba Park has innovatively designed a "carbon reduction brain", which integrates 99% of IoT equipment online. It can accurately regulate the air conditioning system, lighting system, etc. in different time periods and regions based on weather conditions, number of visitors, etc., to achieve scientific carbon reduction. With the help of this system, only two parks, Xixi A and B, achieved a carbon reduction of 2866.2 tons in the fiscal year 2023.
Alibaba has always encouraged employees to become practitioners of low-carbon living, and employees can easily report 18 low-carbon behaviors such as plastic bottle recycling, travel carpooling, and double-sided printing through the "carbon reduction brain". In 2023, over 100000 employees completed over 1.25 million low-carbon travel trips, resulting in a total carbon reduction of over 6000 tons.
Due to innovative practices in ESG, the global headquarters in Hangzhou has obtained LEED Gold level office community certification and will become a LEED+WELL dual gold level certified park.
Smiling face logo full of vitality, original intention unchanged, facing the future
In the center of Alibaba's global headquarters in Hangzhou is a "smiling face" garden, which follows the innovative concept of "ecological nest" and has built a natural habitat for biodiversity and a sustainable water system.
At the beginning of the park construction, the designer has integrated the recycling and secondary utilization of water resources into the design, and through the collection, storage, and reuse of rainwater and wastewater, the utilization rate is maximized. There are not only ornamental plants in the garden, but also specialized plants such as pomelo, yangmei, and pomegranate, providing food for birds and small animals in the Xixi Wetland ecosystem.
It is understood that the meaning of Hangzhou Global Headquarters Smiling Face Garden is that the original intention remains unchanged. The logo of Alibaba is exactly a smiling face, which was born in the early days of Alibaba's establishment and represents customer satisfaction with a smiling face.
With the official opening of Alibaba's Hangzhou Global Headquarters (Xixi C Zone), Xixi A Zone will become the headquarters of domestic e-commerce businesses such as Taobao and Tmall. The Alibaba Digital Ecological Innovation Park (Xixi B Zone) will be built into an open park to better serve upstream and downstream ecological enterprises.
From the lakeside garden community in 1999, to the Huaxing Times Square on Wensan Road, and then to the Xixi Park on Wenyi West Road, Alibaba headquarters has undergone several relocations with the development of the times and has always been rooted in Hangzhou. Now, the new global headquarters has been officially launched, and Alibaba will also better face the future in the vibrant new park.
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