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On Wednesday local time, US technology giant Google announced that it will provide a series of upgraded artificial intelligence tools to its cloud clients, challenging its competitor OpenAI's large model GPT-4.
Google stated that the Gemini Pro model has now been integrated into two key cloud products, Google AI Studio and Vertex AI, and is available for use by businesses in development. Gemini is Google's largest and most powerful multimodal artificial intelligence model, and it is also Google's latest attempt to showcase the power of artificial intelligence.
Google Cloud customers can use Gemini to create applications such as artificial intelligence chatbots, easily searchable databases, and marketing presentations. The company also emphasized that Gemini Pro will be provided free of charge to cloud customers upon its launch, but will impose some restrictive measures.
The company stated that its ultimate plan is to ensure the "competitive pricing" of its artificial intelligence cloud products. At present, Gemini Pro's text-based functionality is four times lower in input cost and two times lower in output cost than its previous generation artificial intelligence model PaLM 2 released in June.
Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian claims that the artificial intelligence model aims to "summarize, understand, and manipulate different types of information, including text, code, audio, images, and videos, in a way that humans simultaneously see, hear, read, listen, and discuss different types of information."
Although Google is a pioneer in generative artificial intelligence, its product popularity lags far behind ChatGPT. Last week, Google attempted to refute this claim by releasing Gemini.
The Gemini model can be divided into three versions based on its size: Gemini Ultra, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Nano. Google stated that in a series of tests conducted according to industry standards, the most powerful Gemini Ultra version outperformed OpenAI's GPT-4 technology. After testing a specific group of customers, this version is expected to be widely available to software developers early next year.
The upgraded Google AI Studio on Wednesday is a free web-based developer tool that Google calls "the fastest way to build applications", allowing customers to develop applications using the Gemini API.
At the same time, Vertex AI provides more customized services for developers and cloud clients. Enterprises will be able to customize Gemini using their own data and build Gemini based search tools and chatbots and other applications.
Kurian stated that the pricing of Gemini Pro is becoming "more attractive", and developers will be able to use Gemini Pro and Gemini Pro Vision for free through Google AI Studio, which is suitable for most application development needs, while Vertex AI will be free until early next year.
In addition, Google has also updated its upgraded model Imagen 2 for creating text images, enhancing the realism of photo generation, text rendering, and logo generation capabilities.
The company also announced a global partnership with Mistral AI, a Paris based artificial intelligence startup focused on open source software. The two companies stated in a blog article that Mistral AI will distribute some artificial intelligence products on Google Cloud, including optimized proprietary language models.
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