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On November 13th, Pinduoduo's Double Eleven came to an end, with the number of brands, merchants, and products participating in the platform's promotion reaching new highs. Data shows that over 40 sub categories such as agricultural products, domestic products, and global good goods have doubled in growth, with a year-on-year increase of 107% in the number of 10 billion subsidy orders. The flash sale channel provides an incremental engine for over 100000 small and medium-sized businesses. After the start of this year's promotion, the number of 10 billion subsidy users has exceeded 620 million.
The platform data shows that during the Double 11, the seasonal sales of agricultural goods, flowers and seafood increased rapidly, yellow croaker, frozen shrimp, kelp and other seafood increased by 110% year-on-year, jasmine in Guangxi increased by 350% year-on-year, and Dracaena sanderiana in Hainan and Lvluo in Guangdong increased by more than 80% year-on-year. At the same time as the hot sale of agricultural products, farmers across the country are also actively purchasing agricultural tools on the platform. Agricultural UAVs, seeders, spray, rice mills, grain dryers, etc. have doubled. Agricultural drip irrigation belts, fruit bagging, fruit and vegetable harvesting baskets, shovels, hoes, greenhouse quilts, cold blankets, organic fertilizers, etc. have increased by more than 113% year on year.
After the start of the promotion, domestic consumption continued to be booming, with domestic brands such as beauty, sports, and clothing selling particularly well. Since November, the overall market growth of the Pelaia brand has exceeded 180%, and the flagship store has grown by over 300% year-on-year. Its facial care set has ranked among the top sub categories on the platform; Vinona's new brand, Vinona Baby, has achieved a growth rate of over 1000%, with new and cutting-edge brands such as AKF, Yeast, and Pixar achieving nearly doubling growth; Among domestic sports brands, Li Ning, Tebu, 361DU, Anta, and Hongxing Erke have become the most popular TOP 5 brands. The sales of 361DU increased by 115% year-on-year on the 11th, and the Li Ning Red Rabbit 6 series has accumulated sales of over 100000 pairs.
This year's Double Eleven has gradually returned to the original intention of e-commerce promotion, allowing consumers to buy higher quality products in a simpler and more affordable way, which is also a victory for continuous standing consumers, "said the person in charge of Pinduoduo Promotion.
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