Google hopes to temporarily suspend the implementation of the third-party app store opening order
发表于 2024-10-14 11:01:26
Google has requested a California judge to suspend the opening order for Google's third-party app store. In court documents submitted on the evening of October 11th local time, Google stated that this order would harm the company's interests and pose serious security, safety, and privacy risks to the Android ecosystem. Therefore, it requested a temporary suspension of the implementation of this open order during the appeal period.
Previously, on the 7th, California judge James Donato issued a final ruling on the long-standing antitrust lawsuit filed by game developer Epic Games against Google. Google must support the provision of an alternative option to the Google Play Store on the Android platform for three years starting from November this year. Google will also be restricted from paying fees or sharing revenue with companies in exchange for them giving up competition with the Google Play Store. In addition, Google must allow competing Android app stores to access the Google Play app directory. 系信息发布平台,仅提供信息存储空间服务。
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