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China Securities Network News (Reporter Yu Liyan): Jike Intelligent Technology has officially released and started nationwide delivery of the 2025 Jike 001 and 2025 Jike 007 new cars, with official starting prices of 259000 yuan and 209900 yuan, respectively.
In addition, the reporter learned from the customer service of Jike that all users who place orders for the 2024 Jike 001 and 007 series before 8 pm on August 13th and have not yet scheduled production can upgrade to the corresponding 2025 models. Configuration selection and confirmation need to be completed before 24:00 on August 16th. Car owners who have already shipped and purchased their current vehicles are not eligible for the upgrade policy.
Jike Intelligent Technology CEO An Conghui stated that Jike pursues continuous leadership, not only in market performance, but also in creating intergenerational leadership in all dimensions. Jike's intelligent drive, intelligent cockpit, and intelligent driving have all ushered in a new generation of evolution this time.
According to the R&D personnel of Jike, the second-generation gold brick battery independently developed by Jike's full stack has a maximum charging rate of 5.5C, and it takes 10 and a half minutes to charge from 10% to 80%, surpassing mainstream ternary batteries and refreshing the charging speed of power batteries; The Extreme Krypton OS intelligent cockpit system has been officially upgraded to Extreme Krypton AI OS, and Eva has been upgraded to AI Eva, with industry-leading natural semantic recognition capabilities and over 30 active intelligent services, allowing the intelligent cockpit to fully enter the era of active intelligence; The vast intelligent driving developed by Jike's full stack has entered the 2.0 era, launching an end-to-end big model and prioritizing the end-to-end evolution of parking and intersection scenarios. We will be the first to introduce the city NZP commuting mode, and in the future, we will gradually open up city NZP and city NZP+, ultimately achieving full scenario city intelligent driving from parking space to parking space.
Regarding the market's question about the "two releases" of Jike 001 in 2024 (the 2024 Jike 001 launched in February and the 2025 Jike 001 launched this time), Jike personnel explained that the 2024 Jike 001 had been planned in early 2023, but the market situation changed in 2024, and 001 underwent iteration in the first half of the year. After the launch of the 2024 Jike 001, there were voices in the market expressing a desire to use self-developed intelligent driving, and Jike began developing the Jike 001 with self-developed intelligent driving.
An Conghui said, "We did not communicate in advance. In the future, Jike products will release a preview in advance. Currently, the hardware has been iterated in place, and we will focus on software iteration and upgrading for a long time in the future
In terms of vehicle planning, the Jike 7X, Jike MIX, and future new models will fully adopt self-developed intelligent driving systems. Produce one generation, reserve one generation, and develop one generation simultaneously.
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