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The Ministry of Commerce introduces the progress of negotiations between China and Europe regarding the EU's anti subsidy investigation into electric vehicles in China. Spokesperson He Yadong of the Ministry of Commerce stated that China has repeatedly expressed strong opposition to the EU's anti subsidy investigation into electric vehicles in China and advocates for the proper handling of economic and trade frictions through dialogue and negotiation. On June 22nd, Minister Wang Wentao held a video meeting with the Executive Vice Chairman and Trade Commissioner of the European Commission, Dong Brovskis. Both sides agreed to immediately initiate negotiations on the proper handling of the case based on the two pillars of facts and rules. As of now, multiple rounds of consultations have been held at the technical level between China and Europe. At present, there is still a 4-month window before the final ruling. We hope that the European side and China can move towards each other, show sincerity, and accelerate the negotiation process. Based on facts and rules, we can reach a solution that is acceptable to both sides as soon as possible.
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