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Our reporter Yuan Chuanxi
Since the beginning of this year, multiple domestic enterprises have successively expanded into the field of general artificial intelligence, and how to empower new technologies in business scenarios and accelerate scientific commercial monetization has become the key to current large-scale model competition.
On October 26th, Xiaoi Robot officially released the Huazang Universal Big Model ecosystem in Shanghai, taking an important step towards the commercialization and monetization of the Universal Big Model.
Yuan Hui, Chairman and CEO of Xiaoi Group, stated at the press conference that Huazang Ecology will connect thousands of customers, developers, and friends willing to lead the era of artificial intelligence. Together, we need to accelerate the commercial realization of the artificial intelligence industry, empower thousands of industries through artificial intelligence, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the entire society and economy. This is the goal and purpose of the Huazang ecosystem.
Huazang takes the first step towards commercial monetization
After ChatGPT attracted widespread attention, a wave of artificial intelligence innovation led by pre trained large models emerged one after another. Data shows that as of August 2023, China has released 156 large models, with over 80 models with parameters above 1 billion level. The number of large models is close to that of the United States. China has entered the first tier of global large-scale model industry development, and new large-scale models are still being released, with a continuous increase in quantity.
As the first batch of enterprises to focus on AI, Xiaoi Robot released the Huazang Universal Big Model for the first time in June, with its core features being "controllable, customizable, and deliverable". Yuan Hui once stated that China needs its own ChatGPT, and the true success of the big model is to rebuild a brand new business ecosystem.
By October 26th, the Huazang Grand Model had already developed a preliminary commercial monetization model. Yuan Hui stated at the press conference on the same day that the key to distinguishing Huazang from all other large models is that it must turn a great technology into a reality that can be commercially implemented. There are two core cornerstones for commercial monetization, namely achievement implementation and commercial ecology. Xiaoi is building a Huazang ecosystem and taking a firm step towards realizing large-scale commercial models.
It is reported that in order to build the Huazang ecosystem, Xiaoi Robot has created and launched a developer platform based on the Huazang Ecological Big Model base. Developers from various industries can use the basic capabilities of the Huazang Universal Big Model to develop different vertical industry applications.
Now is the beginning of the golden decade of artificial intelligence, where big models are blooming everywhere, which will greatly change the entire social economy, including the entire industrial ecology, and is another form of productivity. "Hu Xuecan, a senior investment consultant at East High Tech, told Securities Daily reporters, and Xiaoi's approach to using universal big models is to follow the trend and meet the requirements of the times, in order to better embrace the opportunities and challenges of the new era.
In addition, the biggest feature and advantage of Xiaoi Big Model compared to other big models lies in controllability, customizability, and deliverability, which solves the three challenges of global universal big models. With the goal of implementation, Xiaoi provides various solutions based on public cloud or privatization for different industry attributes. Through a large number of industry cases and experience accumulation, it can better empower thousands of industries. With the release of the Huazang ecosystem, Xiaoi has been in A The continuous development of the I commercial monetization model, the significant breakthrough in achieving AI commercial monetization from 0 to 1, and the application of the small I big model, the future is the release of commercial value Hu Xuecan further stated.
Commercial monetization breaks through industry insiders
It is worth noting that the domestic big model industry has rapidly rolled in. From the beginning, Baidu ERNIE Bot took the lead to fight, to Alibaba Tongyi Qianwen, iFLYTEK Spark, Tencent's hybrid big model, and domestic Internet giants such as Xiaomi and Huawei. Overseas Microsoft, Google, Meta, Apple, even Wal Mart, Tesla, Mercedes Benz, and other industry giants not only in the Internet field are constantly adding AI models.
As the big model competition enters a new stage, however, behind the explosion of hundreds of big models, the limited track resources have led to the trend of gradual homogenization. However, as a universal large model, the Huazang robot of Xiaoi still has issues with homogenization.
In response, Zhang Yi, CEO and Chief Analyst of iMedia Consulting, told Securities Daily that the ChatGPT launched by OpenAI has sparked a wave of big models in China. However, due to insufficient innovation, the big models of various domestic enterprises are basically of the same type and have strict homogenization. Enterprises do not innovate and develop from the perspective of the current market and users in order to make big models, This will increase risks for businesses and capital, as without innovative products, it is difficult to be competitive.
Hu Xuecan believes that the true success of big models lies in achieving commercial monetization. The sustainable iteration and development of any artificial intelligence big model cannot do without successful commercial monetization. Small models are born out of monetization, although there are also some homogenization problems, they have certain advantages in taking a step ahead of many big models. With the successful implementation of its universal large model in various industries and the continuous construction and improvement of the Xiaoi ecosystem, Xiaoi will also embark on a bright path of commercial monetization of large models.
Looking ahead, Zhang Yi believes that in the future, Xiaoi robots need to have a clear understanding of their product positioning, strategic advantages, and what problems they can solve for users. On the user side, how to use AI to help customers improve efficiency, reduce the investment costs of enterprises or individuals, and better optimize the efficiency of achieving goals will also be a question that requires deep consideration.
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