HP's Q2 net revenue slightly exceeded expectations
发表于 2024-5-30 09:52:44
According to AI Express, HP's net revenue for the second quarter was $12.8 billion, with analysts expecting $12.6 billion; The adjusted earnings per share for the second quarter were $0.82, with analysts expecting $0.81; Personal system revenue for the second fiscal quarter was $8.43 billion, with analysts expecting $8.28 billion; The adjusted operating profit margin for the second fiscal quarter is 8.8%, with analysts expecting 8.75%; The free cash flow (FCF) for the second quarter was $500 million, with analysts expecting $624.4 million; Expected adjusted earnings per share for the third quarter are 0.78-0.92 US dollars, with analysts expecting 0.85 US dollars; Expected adjusted earnings per share for the entire year are $3.30-3.60, compared to the company's original estimate of $3.25-3.65; Maintain the full year FCF forecast at $3.1-3.6 billion, with analysts expecting $3.13 billion.
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