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Recently, major third-party institutions have released data statistics reports on the domestic drama market for the third quarter. In many dimensions, compared to TV dramas, online dramas have a more dominant market position.
Specifically, when it comes to the performance of major online platforms, a reporter from China Business Daily noticed that whether it's Yunhe Data, Detawen, or Guduo Media, iQiyi and Tencent have obvious leading advantages in terms of market share and effective playback in their respective statistical rankings. However, iQiyi has an advantage in terms of the number of new episodes and the richness of theme types, while Tencent Video excels in high-quality blockbusters.
The dominant position of online dramas continues to stabilize
According to the quarterly report for the third quarter of TV dramas (including TV dramas broadcasted by Taiwan Network and pure online dramas) released by De Tawen, among the top 30 in terms of prosperity, 19 are independent dramas broadcasted by long video platforms, and the remaining 11 are TV dramas broadcasted by Taiwan Network; Among the top ten, the proportion of exclusive dramas on long video platforms is as high as 80%.
According to the 2023Q3 Drama Quarterly Report released by Guduo Media, a total of 72 dramas were released in the third quarter of this year, including 49 online dramas and 23 TV dramas, with online dramas accounting for about two-thirds of the total.
The above data shows that the current drama market is dominated by long video platforms.
Specifically, the performance of various long video platforms. De Tawen pointed out that among the four major mainstream video platforms, iQiyi's market share this month is still impressive, and its output enthusiasm is still ahead of other platforms by at least 10, making it the leader in the booming market share. However, under the influence of a large base, the average prosperity slightly declined, with leading representative works such as "Lotus Tower" and "Cloud Feather"; Tencent Video has a stable output enthusiasm this quarter, but its head content has increased significantly. It has many head plays such as everlasting longing for each other, Good Things Pair up, Jade Bone Remote, etc. So although there is a certain gap in the total number of broadcasts, the boom market share and average boom performance are still outstanding, and the average boom is the highest in all platforms; Youku has shown outstanding popularity in dramas such as "An Le Zhuan" and "Under Strangers" this quarter, but it has some shortcomings in the fierce head competition during the summer season, which has led to its weaker market share compared to iQiyi and Tencent.
The Quarterly Report shows that in the third quarter, iQiyi had over 30 episodes online, significantly higher than other platforms, while Tencent Video was comparable to Youku. However, among the top 20 average hit single shows, Tencent Video ranks first with 8 parts, followed by iQiyi with 5 parts, Youku with 4 parts, and Mango TV with only 1 part.
According to the "2023 Q3 Drama Online Broadcast Performance and User Analysis Report" released by Yunhe Data, in the third quarter, iQiyi's entire network drama series effectively aired 27.8 billion main films, a year-on-year decrease of 2%; Tencent's video features have effectively played 25.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3%; Youku's main films were effectively broadcasted at 15.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 11%; Mango TV has effectively aired 2.8 billion positive films, a year-on-year increase of 48%.
Effective playback depends entirely on membership tapes?
The impression of the drama market in the third quarter is opposite to the performance during the Spring Festival, "explained a top long video platform official to reporters This has ignited the popularity of the drama market and to some extent diverted the attention of the film Spring Festival season. But in the summer of this year, which is the third quarter, there are actually many high-quality dramas, and it is no longer a situation where one popular drama dominates, so the competition is fierce. However, the topic of the film market seems to be higher
The report shows that in the third quarter, the traffic of the series remained stable, with 77.1 billion effective feature films of the entire network, an increase of 1% year-on-year. De Tawen pointed out that the overall market supply ranking is not significantly different from the previous quarter. In the third quarter, Tencent Video (1.194), Mango TV (0.99), iQiyi (0.914), Youku (0.82), and Migu (0.737) ranked among the top five in the average prosperity index of various long video platforms. According to the Quarterly Report, compared to the second quarter of this year, the number of online dramas in the third quarter decreased by three compared to the previous quarter, while the number of TV dramas increased by one compared to the previous quarter. The overall quantity has not changed much.
However, it is worth noting that the report points out that the effective playback and proportion of member content in the entire network's dramas have increased. The membership content feature films were effectively broadcasted at 40.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12%; The effective playback of member content accounted for 52%, an increase of 5 percentage points year-on-year.
According to Yunhe Data, in addition to exclusive membership, revolving payment, and advanced on-demand, the platform further narrows non member rights and operates in the "Lock 3 Episodes" and "Lock 7 Episodes" modes (i.e. the last 3 or 7 episodes can only be watched by members). For example, "Huanyan (2023)" is in the "Lock 3 Episodes" mode, while "Incomplete Victims", "Qishi Jixiang", "Her City", and others are all in the "Lock 7 Episodes" mode.
Specifically, for each platform, iQiyi and Tencent Video have equally obvious advantages over other platforms. The report shows that the effective playback of membership content for iQiyi, Tencent Video, and Mango TV has all increased year-on-year; The effective playback of iQiyi member content reached 15.5 billion yuan, an increase of 8% year-on-year; Tencent Video effectively played 15 billion yuan of member content, a year-on-year increase of 27%; The effective playback of Youku member content reached 7.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 6%; Mango TV's membership content was effectively broadcasted for 1.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 40%.
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