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On the first day of March, Tesla announced three major positive factors for both Model 3 and Model Y: a limited time car insurance subsidy of 8000 yuan, a limited time discounted price of 2000 yuan for designated car paint and current cars, and a low interest rate for limited time current car finance.
For the 2024 Model Y rear wheel drive version of the current car, consumers can not only receive a limited time current car insurance subsidy of 8000 yuan, a low interest discount of up to 16600 yuan on current cars, but also enjoy a designated car paint discount of up to 10000 yuan. In terms of conversion, this wave of car purchase benefits reaches 34600 yuan, with daily supply as low as 108 yuan! The current Model 3 rear wheel drive version can enjoy a maximum discount of 33700 yuan, with daily supply as low as 102 yuan.
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