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With the deepening integration of digital technology and the real economy, accelerating the construction of digital financial capabilities that are compatible with the development of the digital economy has become a necessary question for the financial industry to fulfill its financial mission. At the Central Financial Work Conference held in October this year, it was explicitly required to do a good job in five major articles, including digital finance. Promoting the development of digital finance has become a mission of the times, and its importance and urgency are self-evident.
Lujinsuo Holdings always takes finance as the people's priority, and takes serving the real economy as the starting point and foothold. It adheres to the principles of mindfulness, integrity, and integrity, and strives to promote the construction of a digital financial service system.
Mindfulness preservation: using "numbers" as a shield to build a strong defense line for safe development
The foundation of digital finance is financial technology. Lujinsuo Holdings adheres to the principle of "professional value creation", with a focus on creating value for small and micro customers. The application of financial technology is only a means, and providing users with "worry free, time-saving, and money saving" financing services is the essence. Setting aside financial security, discussing financial technology innovation is meaningless, and mindfulness is truly "fast".
LuJinSuo Holdings always adheres to the bottom line thinking of technological security and data security, does not pursue the gimmicks of new technologies, and conducts in-depth research and evaluation of technological maturity and potential risks of technology integration with its own business with a dynamic development perspective. Under the premise of controllable risks, it efficiently integrates mature technologies and ultimately achieves breakthroughs in the application of financial technology scenarios.
Lujin Holdings is promoting the transformation of risk management towards intelligence and continuously enhancing its comprehensive risk management capabilities. Iterative upgrading of risk control models has improved the accuracy of fraud risk identification, effectively protecting the financial security of customers. Strengthen the linkage between the anti fraud model and the front-end sales quality control process, and build an anti fraud management system that covers the entire process of front-end entry, fraud identification, central approval, post loan follow-up, and collection.
At the same time, LuJinSuo Holdings has always adhered to the principle of "customer-centric", integrating customer rights protection throughout the entire service process, and is committed to building a full process rights protection system. Establish a comprehensive information security mechanism to ensure that customer privacy data is not leaked, and comprehensively safeguard consumer rights such as the right to information and independent choice.
Guided by a development mindset of mindfulness, Lufax Holdings has taken cautious and pragmatic steps to steadily promote the implementation of its financial technology layout. Currently, it has formed mature solutions such as intelligent financial services, intelligent risk control, digital operations, and intelligent customer service, and has efficiently embedded them into various business links of Lufax Holdings that serve small and micro enterprises and assist the real economy, solidifying the foundation of Lufax Holdings' high-quality development.
Adhering to Integrity: Exploring New Engines for Small and Micro Financing through "Number" Breakthrough
Compared to traditional finance, digital finance can effectively solve the "three highs" and "three nots" problems of small and micro financing, reduce financing costs, strengthen risk management, and improve service coverage, allowing financial vitality to benefit the public. Throughout its years of development, Lujinsuo Holdings has adhered to the principle of "sticking to the right business", remained strategically aligned, and has always focused on serving small and micro business owners and the real economy, continuously improving the quality of digital financial services.
Lujinsuo Holdings optimizes its business, empowers its team, and enhances operational efficiency through technology, continuously iterating and forming a positive strategy, allowing the platform to form a "muscle memory" that can respond faster and more accurately to customer needs and solve problems. It also establishes an operational mechanism that can provide financing service experiences for small and micro business owners in the "three provinces", and systematically expands the radius of financial services.
For example, risk control is the soul of small and micro credit. In order to extend the "blood transfusion belt" of inclusive finance, Lujin Holdings has built a "people+enterprise" risk decision-making engine. Through multidimensional data mining, it greatly improves the accuracy of user profiles, fully unleashes the potential of small and micro credit, and helps it solve the financing difficulties caused by light assets and no collateral.
For example, in terms of improving the credit experience for small and micro enterprises, Lujin Holdings has developed a series of AI service solutions such as "intelligent customer service" and "mobile cloud". Among them, intelligent customer service can accurately predict customer needs and synchronously perceive changes in customer emotions, providing customers with "thousands of people and thousands of faces" answer and guidance services, with a service accuracy rate of nearly 90%. Meanwhile, "Xingyun" reshapes the business process with artificial intelligence, achieving a minimum of zero text input for loan applications and a full process of anthropomorphic AI virtual image face-to-face services, solving the problems of complex original business processes, multiple input and waiting times in the application experience, reducing loan application process time by 31%, increasing information throughput by four times, and significantly improving customer experience.
The efforts of Lujin Holdings to improve the quality of digital financial services have covered all aspects of its business: launching digital operational applications such as "work order platform review robots" and "inspection robots", greatly reducing operational costs and improving business processing efficiency. At the same time, Lujin Holdings independently builds a database to better support small and micro financing businesses and ensure data security. Adhering to the principle of "upholding integrity" showcases the charm of digital finance. Lujinsuo Holdings has always adhered to the principle of empowering the main business of finance through digital means and is committed to achieving great success.
Shouzheng Jian: Empowering Business Model Transformation with "Numbers"
Supporting the small and micro economy is the driving force for Lujin Holdings to serve the real economy. Since 2022, Lujin Holdings has been promoting business model reform, with the guarantee services of its subsidiary Ping An Universal Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. as the core link, creating warm "three provinces" services to serve small and micro enterprises that have not yet been served by traditional finance, expanding the financial accessibility of small and micro enterprises with financial experience and technological capabilities, improving the convenience of small and micro financing, and supporting the development of small and micro enterprises.
Unlike other financial institutions that pursue full online integration, Lujin Holdings has created an "AI+O2O" service model to enable inclusive finance to reach a wider range of small and micro enterprises and the public. Offline, the consulting team travels through streets and alleys to understand user needs in a down-to-earth manner, providing warm and perceptible consulting services to small and micro enterprises face-to-face, and providing convenient financing service processes throughout the entire process online.
To achieve maximum collaborative effects, Lujin Holdings provides offline services through technology empowerment teams, leveraging technologies such as big data, GIS, and model algorithms to connect external data and create a series of marketing empowerment tools, such as Xunkebao, which can provide visual business map guidance for consultants; The sales management cockpit can provide comprehensive business analysis support and precise services for consultants.
The "AI+O2O" service model continuously strengthens the digital financial services controlled by Lujin, effectively connecting small and micro enterprises and the public to the last mile of credit services, benefiting the people with digital finance, and revitalizing the real economy.
Adhering to the principles of mindfulness, professionalism, and perspective, what Lujin Holdings seeks is not a temporary gain, but rather a long-term commitment to the people-oriented concept of finance and the value of serving high-quality development. LuJinSuo Holdings will unleash reform momentum, improve development quality, further improve the mechanism arrangement of inclusive finance collaboration and professional development, deepen the integration of technology and business in a soup soup style, and use digital finance to cultivate high-quality development endogenous power. (cis)
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