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The "shake and shake" jump advertisement, which has been criticized by users, may face adjustments.
Recently, according to a media report citing an insider from a major internet company, Apple has notified multiple top apps in China since November to remove gyroscope permissions and prohibit ads from being redirected. The top app companies will release a new version in the future that cancels the "shake shake jump" advertising function. According to a source from an online video software company, Apple does request a ban on "shaking" and jumping.
Regarding this, a reporter from Daily Economic News contacted Apple to inquire about the situation, but as of press release, no response has been received.
However, I believe many people have had the experience of simply opening an app and jumping to other apps without any hesitation. During the Double 11 promotion period, everything can jump to e-commerce platforms. This type of open screen advertisement is actually triggered by the gyroscope and acceleration sensor in the phone to jump the page. Some apps adjust the sensitivity of the gyroscope to increase exposure or click through rate, even if the user only has a little shaking, it may jump to other software. The negative experience of such mobile app advertisements is referred to by many users as electronic "psoriasis".
Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology continued to rectify the issue of app pop-up messages being "unable to close" and "randomly jumping". Nowadays, the issue of Apple's ban on advertising ads and redirects has been highly anticipated by the outside world, and even on hot searches. Some netizens have also shouted that they hope that Android manufacturers can follow suit in the future.
Mobile software "randomly jumping" is repulsive
Inexplicably, I open e-commerce software several times a day. To prevent redirects, I first place the software flat on the desktop before opening it. Without redirects, I downloaded it directly
On social media platforms, the phenomenon of shaking and jumping around causes disgust among many users, mainly concentrated in three aspects. Firstly, it is not explicitly stated to the user that the information window of the mobile application software will trigger a jump or open third-party application software; The second is that the sensitivity is too high, causing users to jump to third-party pages without their active intention; The third is to deceive and mislead users. After the information window jumps, without the user's knowledge, it automatically downloads and installs relevant software for the user.
Pushing advertisements through information windows is one of the mainstream business models for mobile applications, and open screen advertising has become the most popular choice in advertising due to its high exposure and good marketing effects. According to the "2018 China Mobile Internet User Behavior Insight Report" released by InMobi, the APP's open screen advertising received the highest attention, reaching 61.1%. Massive engine data shows that compared to other brand advertising resources, screen opening has a 97% increase in brand memory and a 174% increase in brand awareness.
This feature will indeed trigger user advertisements more frequently at random, but in fact, the purpose is very simple. The app wants to display more advertisements, obtain the permission of the gyroscope through the app, and trigger advertisement placement in random vibration of the phone. "Pan Helin, co-director and researcher of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center at Zhejiang University International Business School, said in an interview with the Daily Economic News.
However, advertisements that are forcefully pushed regardless of user experience or even against their will can easily cause user dissatisfaction, and on the other hand, they are also suspected of infringing on personal legitimate rights and interests. Zhao Zhan, a lawyer at Beijing Yunjia Law Firm and a special researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, told reporters through WeChat that the "Interim Measures for the Management of Internet Advertising" have corresponding regulations for pop-up advertising, including requiring clear closure signs to ensure one click closure. However, during the implementation process, it was found that there were evasive measures or other new situations that harm consumer rights. Subsequently, the "Internet Advertising Management Measures" were revised and improved, including prohibiting: closing advertisements without a closing sign or the end of the timer; Setting obstacles for closing advertisements due to false, illegible or difficult to locate closure signs; Closing advertisements requires at least two clicks; During the process of browsing the same page or document, closing and continuing to pop up advertisements can affect users' normal use of the network.
In his opinion, the first step is to determine whether it belongs to pop-up advertising. If it does, it needs to comply with the clear provisions of the "Internet Advertising Management Measures". If it is not a pop-up advertisement, it is necessary to check whether its content is illegal and whether there are any inaccuracies. It is illegal to induce consumers to click on advertisements through false information, or to directly open or redirect without the user's active choice.
Lawyer Liu Chunquan, a partner of Shanghai Duan He Duan Law Firm, told reporters from Daily Economic News that, Shake, shake, and jump are not user actions. Relevant download and jump actions belong to mandatory or deceptive user actions, and can be dealt with according to existing provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Law or the Anti Unfair Competition Law. At the same time, from the perspective of personal information protection law, whether the permission of the gyroscope is clearly informed and approved is also a point that can be standardized
Expert: Apple may ban advertising shake, which has little impact on e-commerce platforms
Almost everyone has a mobile phone, which may be a growth space that advertising companies cannot give up.
Taking the e-commerce industry, which has been repeatedly mentioned by netizens as eager to purchase such advertisements, as an example, e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, JD.com, and Pinduoduo have been trapped in stock competition in recent years, and the desire and competition for traffic have already become the focus of current competition among major platforms. In addition, this year's Double 11 has sparked a low price war between e-commerce platforms, which may also be the reason why users intuitively feel more redirected advertisements.
Although Apple has not yet provided an official response to the above news, will it really have an impact on e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, JD.com, and Pinduoduo if the advertisement is banned by Apple?
Pan and Lin believe that there will be an impact, but the impact is not significant. Because this feature itself is a means for major platforms to generate traffic, and the fees between major platforms and advertisers are settled based on the number of impressions. If the number of advertisement jump triggers is increased, the advertisement will be more displayed in front of users, creating more advertising revenue. However, in reality, most consumers not only do not buy because they see the advertisement, but this jump advertisement will actually make consumers feel disgusted and reduce their purchase volume
He further added, "If this feature is cancelled, it will reduce the platform's advertising display volume and slightly affect revenue. However, since jump ads account for a low proportion of its advertising revenue, it will not have a significant impact
Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that currently, some e-commerce platforms have increased their pursuit of daily living. On November 8th, the reporter learned from Taotian Group that on the Double 11th of this year, Taobao Tmall paid more attention to the frequency and purchase frequency of consumers opening Taobao applications. In addition to customer unit price and DAC (daily active consumers), order volume became a new assessment indicator for the growth of Taobao Tmall transaction volume.
Continuously managing advertising "chaos" such as "shaking and shaking"
In the context of users being deeply disturbed by it, regulatory measures have been implemented to address advertising chaos such as "shaking".
In December 2022, in order to regulate the issue of app "shaking and jumping" and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, the China Academy of Information and Communications's Taier Terminal Laboratory, along with multiple enterprises such as Xiaomi, Huawei, OPPO, and Alibaba, jointly formulated the "Evaluation Specification for APP User Rights Protection".
This standard further refines the relevant parameters for triggering pages or redirecting to third-party applications through "shake and shake" methods in the app information window. It proposes that the device acceleration for the "shake and shake" action should not be less than 15m/s2, and the rotation angle should not be less than 35 degrees; Deg;, The operation time shall not be less than 3 seconds or other series reference values.
In February of this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on further improving the service capabilities of mobile internet applications, which mentioned the relevant items related to "shake and shake" pop-up windows. Developers are not allowed to frequently pop up windows to interfere with users' normal use, and are not allowed to induce users to operate in ways that are easily triggered by shaking or full screen thermal maps. In addition, effective close buttons must be provided for opening and pop-up information windows, Ensure that users can easily close it.
In addition, the reporter noticed that there are also some methods on social media that teach users how to turn off "shake" jump ads and get high likes and favorites, but the process is very cumbersome.
The good news is that mobile phone manufacturers can also play a role in preventing the proliferation of "shake and shake" advertisements. For example, Xiaomi released version 23.1.3 of the MIUI development version in January this year, A new feature called "Accelerometer Control Permissions" has been added, which allows users to directly turn off accelerometer sensor information for specific applications. In addition, there are also some software that allows users to prohibit shaking and jumping. For example, Bilibili's app can turn off" Allow Bilibili Advertising to Access Sensors "in" Privacy Settings ", and after turning it off," Shake "and" Twist "type advertisements will not be displayed.
Regarding the news that Apple may be interested in controlling the "shake and jump" advertising, an industry insider believes that the troubles of users accidentally "shaking" to e-commerce platforms in the future may be addressed to some extent. Gyroscopes are the underlying capability of Android, and apps can be called. In fact, random jumping mainly depends on various apps, but apps will not always do this because it will affect user experience. However, during the e-commerce promotion period, it will be more subtle. If daily apps are the same, whether it is the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology or mobile phone manufacturers, there should be some measures taken
Pan and Lin stated that whether or not they can completely eliminate shaking and jumping from a technical perspective depends on Apple's future punishment mechanism for such behavior. "We also hope that domestic mobile phone manufacturers will actively follow up, because this feature does not bring benefits to consumers and often does not receive their consent
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