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900 participants / 15+ events / 4 days
AHK Greater China's
largest networking event
X-Days 2023 Launch 德中经济峰会开幕
After two field trips to Taicang City and Yangpu District on November 8, the highly anticipated Xceleration Days (X-Days) were successfully launched on the morning of November 9, 2023. As part of AHK Greater China, the German Chamber of Commerce in China is hosting the second edition of AHK Greater China X-Days. The event is co-organized by the Baoshan District People’s Government of Shanghai.
A High-Level Business Event 商界盛会
Over 900 domestic and international guests from political, business, academic, and research spheres have come together to experience AHK Greater China’s most significant event of the year. Dr. Clas Neumann, Chairperson of the Board of German Chamber of Commerce in China - Shanghai, Mr. Hua Yuan, Deputy Mayor of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government,Dr. Patricia Flor, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to China, Mr. Wu Ken, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Germany (via video address), and Mr. Wan Gang, President of the China Association of Sciences & Tech, delivered welcome speeches at the opening ceremony.
超过900位中外政企学研嘉宾齐聚峰会,共襄盛举。开幕式上中国德国商会上海地区董事会主席柯曼博士(Dr. Clas Neumann)、上海市人民政府副市长华源先生、德意志联邦共和国驻华大使傅融博士(Dr. Patricia Flor)、中华人民共和国驻德国大使吴恳先生(视频致辞)、中国科学技术协会主席万钢先生分别致开幕辞。
Following the opening remarks, Dr. Martin Wansleben, Chief Executive of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK), and Mr. Shi Mingde, President of the China-Germany Friendship Association, gave speeches from an economic perspective on Sino-German relations. The keynote speeches that followed were delivered by Dr. Song Xiao, Siemens Global Executive Vice President, President and CEO Siemens Greater China, Mr. Li Bai'an, Executive Vice President of China Merchants Group, Mr. Dowson Tong, Senior Executive Vice President of Tencent, CEO of Cloud & Smart Industries Group, and Dr. Gu Hongdi, Vice Chairman and President of Xpeng, respectively. These expert talks are geared toward further strengthening the long-standing relationships between Chinese and German companies, and act as a bridge for shared innovation, investment, trade and sustainability.
开幕致辞环节之后,德国工商大会首席执行官马丁ˑ万斯莱本博士(Dr. Martin Wanslenben)与中国德国友好协会会长史明德先生分别发表了从经济角度看中德关系的讲话。其后的主旨演讲阶段,西门子集团全球执行副总裁、大中华区总裁兼首席执行官肖松博士,招商集团有限公司党委委员、副总经理李百安先生,腾讯集团高级执行副总裁、云与智慧产业事业群首席执行官汤道生先生,小鹏汽车副董事长兼总裁顾宏地博士分别为大家带来了精彩纷呈的主题分享。这些专家演讲旨在进一步加强中德企业之间的长期稳定的合作关系,为共享创新、投资、贸易和可持续发展架起成功的桥梁。
X-Days: Connecting Chinese and German Businesses
AHK Greater China Xceleration Days 2023 are being held in Shanghai between November 8-11. The event’s objective is to promote cooperation between the economic circles of China and Germany and facilitate the sustainable development of bilateral trade.
The X-Days include more than 15 parallel activities, business matchmaking sessions, and themed sub-forums. Amid presentations, panel discussions, exhibition space exploration and networking sessions, guests enjoy high quality meals, with plenty of opportunities to mingle and make new connections. Evening activities include the More Than A Market Award Ceremony and after parties.The multi-day event culminates in the 23rd German Ball on November 11.
本届峰会举办超过15场平行活动,企业对接会以及主题分论坛。在论坛、座谈会、展览以及其它会议期间,嘉宾可以享用高品质的餐点,并有充分的机会拓展人脉资源。晚间活动包括 “同心同力同行” 奖项颁奖典礼及派对。本届峰会将在11月11日举办的第23届德国舞会中达到高潮。
Thank You to our Partners and Sponsors 对我们的合作伙伴及赞助商表示由衷感谢
The success of the second AHK Greater China Xceleration Days was made possible by the strong support of our partners and sponsors, including the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, the Baoshan District People's Government, the Baoshan District Commission of Commerce, the Nanjing Municipal People's Government, the Harbin Municipal People's Government, the Foshan Municipal People's Government, the Yangpu District People's Government, and the Taicang Municipal People's Government.
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