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In recent years, China US relations have been at a low point since the establishment of diplomatic relations. At the end of last year, the China US dollar first met in Bali, Indonesia, and reached a series of important consensus, pointing the way for China US relations. However, since then, the United States has experienced a serious "action deficit" in implementing the heads of state consensus, even running counter to the spirit advocated by the consensus, leading to new difficulties in bilateral relations. In recent months, senior officials from the US government have visited China multiple times, leading to a significant increase in high-level interaction between the two sides and a gradual strengthening of the trend towards a warmer relationship. Recently, Wang Yi, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs, was invited to visit the United States. Based on in-depth, constructive, and substantive communication, both sides agreed to work together towards achieving the San Francisco Summit, sending a positive signal of stability and improving relations to the world.
As two major world powers, whether China and the United States can establish a correct way of coexistence is crucial to world peace and development, as well as the future and destiny of humanity. For a period of time, the changes in the relationship between the two countries have touched the hearts of the world. Its ups and downs have shown the seriousness and complexity of China US relations, and establishing the correct way for major powers to coexist is not easy, which will be influenced and disturbed by various factors; On the other hand, the important consensus of "returning to Bali" and "facing San Francisco" reached by both sides ultimately eliminates interference once again proves that as long as we adopt a responsible attitude towards history, the world, and the people, establish a correct and rational understanding of each other, and hold the greatest sincerity in improving relations, China US relations can develop in a positive direction, truly achieving stability, improvement, and returning to the track of healthy and stable development.
The reason why China US relations have fallen to a low point is clear. Whether the reality of interdependence between the two countries is ignored, the history of win-win cooperation is distorted, the channels of dialogue and communication are blocked, or the dangerous way of defining and influencing Sino US relations through so-called "strategic competition" brings huge changes to the future of the two peoples and countries around the world, the fundamental reason is that the United States has deviated from its understanding of China, the world, and itself.   These three principles are important conclusions drawn from examining the ups and downs of China US relations for over half a century. They are the correct way for major powers to interact with each other in today's era, and are important landmarks to ensure that the two giant ships between China and the United States do not deviate, stall, or collide. As William Jones, the president of the Washington branch of the Global Strategic Information magazine in the United States, said, "The three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation are the optimal path to stop the decline and stabilize China US relations.
Without respect, there can be no trust; Without trust, conflicts cannot be avoided, nor can true cooperation be achieved. This is an important experience accumulated in China US exchanges and a fundamental prerequisite for bilateral relations to return to normal. The differences between China and the United States have existed in the past, are present, and will continue to exist in the future. In fact, from the first day of contact, China and the United States knew that they were dealing with a country with very different political systems, development stages, and many other aspects. However, the existence of these differences did not hinder the two countries from breaking the ice and establishing diplomatic relations, nor did they hinder the deepening of cooperation based on common interests, nor did they hinder the two sides from making common contributions to world peace and prosperity. China and the United States should recognize and respect each other's differences in their relationship, rather than imposing uniformity and attempting to change or even subvert each other's systems. The leadership of the CPC and the Chinese socialist system, supported and supported by more than 1.4 billion Chinese people, are the fundamental guarantee for China's development and stability. China will not become another United States, and the United States cannot transform China according to its own likes and dislikes, which requires respecting each other's choices. Defining one's own choices as democracy, defining the other party's choices as authoritarianism, and defining success as changing the other party are not in line with facts, let alone reality. More than 2000 years ago, Chinese sages summarized the spirit of inclusiveness in the universe and the laws of nature by stating that all things are nurtured together without harming each other, and that the Tao is parallel without contradicting each other. Looking at differences with a broader mindset and accepting them with mutual respect is the correct way for China and the United States to coexist today.
Defending the bottom line of peace is the right decision that China and the United States must make. The Chinese people do not have the genes for expansion, coercion, and hegemony. The motto that Chinese people believe in is' belligerence leads to death 'and' national hegemony leads to decline '. China chooses peace, adheres to peaceful development, and the most basic expectation for China US relations is peaceful coexistence. The biggest obstacle to achieving peaceful coexistence between China and the United States is the Cold War mentality. Just as colonialism was gradually abandoned in the 20th century, the Cold War mentality was already outdated in the 21st century. Imitating the containment of the Soviet Union back then to suppress China and hoping to encircle China through geopolitical games such as the "Indo Pacific Strategy" is doomed to be futile. Because China is not the former Soviet Union, and the world is not the same as before. Only by waking up early from the old dream of the Cold War can we approach and handle China US relations with a calm, rational, and realistic attitude.   Intentionally preventing China's technological progress - US President Biden has made promises, and senior US officials have also made positive statements several times during their visits to China. The urgent task is to fulfill consensus through actions, and create an atmosphere for improving relationships by eliminating interference and accumulating mutual trust. As Liu Yawei, the director of the China program at the Carter Center, a US think tank, said, whether the relationship between the two countries can be improved or not depends on the United States.
Win-win cooperation has been a true narrative of China US relations for half a century, and it is also a common goal that both sides should continue to strive for. As the largest developing and developed country, China and the United States have a high degree of complementarity. Both China and the United States have extensive cooperation space in various fields such as economy and trade, energy, technology, education, and humanities. They bear significant responsibilities in global issues such as economic recovery, addressing climate change, counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, and resolving regional and international hotspot issues. Both sides have also worked together to combat terrorism, respond to the financial crisis, block the Ebola virus, and lead the Paris Agreement on climate change. Cooperation has become a major and beneficial event for the world. Harmony benefits both, while conflict harms both. This is an irrefutable truth in the dealings between China and the United States. China has always been willing to maintain cooperative relations with the United States, but the Chinese people cannot accept anyone depriving them of their right to pursue development and achieve a better life. China has developed in the process of reform and opening up and integration with the world, and it will not and cannot "decouple" from the world. China is committed to high-quality development, building a new development pattern, and needs to establish closer ties with the world. China is committed to expanding its opening-up to the outside world and is providing broader cooperation opportunities for global partners, including American companies, with a shorter negative list and a better business environment. The relationship between China and the United States should not be a zero sum game where you lose and I win. The success of either party does not have to be at the cost of the failure of the other party.
  Along the way from Bali, the recovery of China US relations has not come easily and is worth cherishing. Facing San Francisco, both sides should draw inspiration from reality from the past, gather forces moving towards each other, and jointly explore the construction of a new era of China US relations, creating a better future for both countries.
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