JD statement: Some people who spread rumors and defamed JD have been punished by the public security organs
发表于 5 天前
On November 26th, a spokesperson for JD.com issued a statement: Recently, a small number of institutions and individuals have spread rumors and maliciously attacked JD.com and its founders and their families. After being investigated by the public security organs in accordance with the law, some of the rumor mongers have been punished appropriately. At present, there are still some rumors on the internet that confuse the public, and relevant departments have filed an investigation. The Internet is not a place outside the law. I hope everyone will work together to create a clear cyberspace.
The statement by the JD spokesperson is related to the company's recent continuous rumor attacks on social media platforms. For a period of time, online rumor mongers have fabricated some eye-catching false content and published topics such as "JD Finance is being run on", "JD White Label False Recruitment Letter", "JD is infiltrated by international mysterious organization ESG", "JD female employees account for more than 90% and have been controlled by extreme feminism", "JD Wuxi Yupei Logistics Park fire worth more than one billion mobile phones were burned", etc. They have organized and planned public opinion attacks on JD and its founders and their families.
According to the police's punishment decision, Wang posted false information about JD's IOU on social media and has been dealt with by the police for fabricating facts and disrupting public order. In addition, other rumors have also been investigated and filed.
A certain media also apologized in an apology statement for fabricating false information about the founder and family of JD.com without verification. According to informed sources, some individuals who spread rumors and defamed JD.com, maliciously disrupting online order, have been subjected to criminal coercive measures.
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