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A young person wanted to save money by buying a discounted membership card on a second-hand platform, but ended up "stepping on lightning" and was deducted 1000 yuan within one minute. Recently, multiple consumers have revealed to Southern Metropolis Daily reporters that they have been victims of "online fraud". After following the steps provided by the seller, they accidentally opened a free payment for Douyu Live and quickly paid 1000 yuan to Douyu related companies within one minute to purchase Douyu Live's "shark fin" coins.
At present, multiple consumers have posted complaints on the Black Cat complaint platform and social media platforms, and have also appealed to the Douyu platform, but the issue has not been resolved yet.
1000 yuan was deducted in 1 minute, all turned into "Douyu coins"
Consumer Xiaoxie told a reporter from Nandu that after she purchased a membership card from a personal seller on a certain second-hand platform, the seller sent her the process of recharging the membership card. According to the operation process sent by the seller, the buyer will receive a redemption link after providing their phone number, and clicking on the link will redirect them to a third-party payment page. According to the corresponding instructions, the buyer will automatically recharge successfully after opening the payment free annual package service and filling in the phone number. The membership card will be credited to the account in 3 minutes.
Unexpectedly, after following the process given by the seller, Xiaoxie did not receive his membership card, but instead activated the free payment for Douyu Live. Within one minute, his payment account was divided into 10 times, each time worth 100 yuan, and a total of 1000 yuan was deducted. When Xiaoxie reacted and approached the seller, the seller quickly blocked Xiaoxie and cancelled his account.
On the left is the payment company, and on the right is the page that the seller asks the buyer to click on.
According to the payment screenshot provided by Xiaoxie to the Southern Metropolis Daily reporter, the 1000 yuan deducted from Xiaoxie was received by Wuhan Ouyue Network Television Co., Ltd. The product name has changed from the membership card claimed by the seller on the second-hand platform to Douyu "Shark Fin", but the operation permission of "Shark Fin" is not in his own hands, which means that the consumer spent money to recharge 1000 yuan "Douyu Coin" for others.
At present, there are many consumers who fall into the same trap and are deceived into taking a certain amount of money. Douyu replied to Southern Metropolis Daily reporters that in July, Douyu received 26 complaints of QR code fraud transferred from black cats, and the scope of victims was relatively limited. It is not difficult to find from browsing these posts that although consumers want to purchase different membership cards, they all end up being deducted money by Douyu and used as "shark fin" currency.
The actual controller of the deduction company is Chen Shaojie, CEO of Douyu
It is understood that Douyu's "shark fin" is a virtual currency on Douyu's live streaming platform, which can be used to purchase gifts, give tips to broadcasters, etc. One "shark fin" is equivalent to one yuan in cash. Tianyan search shows that the actual controller of Wuhan Ouyue NetTV Co., Ltd., the subject of deduction, is Chen Shaojie, CEO of Douyu, who was arrested by Dujiangyan Irrigation Project public security in November 2023 on suspicion of opening a casino.
A consumer said that when they appealed to Douyu customer service, the customer service responded that it was a normal recharge and the suspected user's account would be frozen, but there is currently no further progress. Southern Metropolis Daily reporters asked Douyu about this issue, and Douyu stated that the platform has been receiving user complaints since July 2nd. After preliminary investigation, it was found that some criminals were using third-party trading platforms to commit QR code fraud. Douyu immediately banned the relevant payment accounts complained by users and launched an internal special investigation.
The recent series of related complaint cases are characterized by criminals using third-party payment with no secret payment, using the sale of goods as bait to lure users to scan their pre-set payment QR codes. However, the actual payment content of users has become recharging and paying to the Douyu platform, and the corresponding funds have directly flowed into the criminals' accounts in Douyu. However, because these complained users are not normal recharging and consumption users of the Douyu platform, it has also brought certain difficulties to the platform's screening work, "Douyu said.
Is' shark fin theft 'committed by an overseas gang? Douyu once claimed that it had nothing to do with overseas electronic fraud
In addition to the Black Cat complaint platform, many consumers also post warnings to other consumers on social media platforms, and some consumers even post their own process of safeguarding their rights. Some consumers claimed that during the process of safeguarding their rights, they applied for information disclosure about individual sellers on second-hand platforms, only to find that the other party's information showed that it was committed by a foreign gang.
Consumers post screenshots of being scammed on social media platforms.
This kind of fraudulent method of trading through second-hand platforms is not uncommon. In June 2024, the Yangzhou police uncovered a similar case. In this case, a consumer attempted to purchase concert tickets and was defrauded of several hundred yuan while trading with an individual buyer on a second-hand platform. After investigation, the police found that the suspect reached an agreement with several anchors to brush gifts for the anchor broadcast room by the suspect to improve their popularity in order to "wash" the stolen money from fraud. The anchor returned part of the funds to the suspect in the form of offline cash back.
The technique of dividing the amount of fraud with the host has been circulating online. Previously, there were reports that after the arrest of Douyu founder Chen Shaojie, a group of top game anchors may be implicated for participating in gambling and money laundering. There are also reports that the Myanmar North Electric Scam has agreed on a sharing ratio with Douyu and streamers through tipping. In response to the above news, Douyu told reporters in Nandu that the information is completely untrue and Douyu has never had any connection with the northern Myanmar electricity fraud.
The anti fraud law clearly stipulates the responsibility of the Internet platform
In the accounts of multiple consumers, the deducted amount ultimately turned into "shark fins" for Douyu, and the payee was a Douyu related company. So, as a platform, does Douyu have an obligation to provide users with an anti fraud and safe consumption environment? According to Douyu's announcement, as of July 24th, Douyu has received a total of 52 related complaints.
In response to this problem, Lin Zilu, a lawyer from Zoomlion (Guangzhou) Law Firm, said to the reporter from Nandu that in the Law of the People's Republic of China on Anti Telecommunication Network Fraud (hereinafter referred to as the "Anti Telefraud Law") passed at the 36th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, Chapter IV "Internet Governance" and Chapter V "Comprehensive Measures" both made specific provisions on the anti fraud risk prevention and control obligations of Internet service providers, covering the real name system, account anomaly monitoring, App governance, domain name service management, reasonable attention to fraud related business, assistance in investigation and handling of cases, personal information protection, and propaganda and dissuasion of fraud.
"To be specific, as a network platform, the fighting platform needs to undertake the following obligations according to the Anti fraud Law to purify the network ecological space, strengthen source governance, clean up the network black ash industry, and eradicate the soil of crime: first, the real name system management of network services, Internet account verification obligations; second, verification, recording, retention obligations; third, monitoring and disposal obligations; fourth, personal information protection obligations; fifth, law enforcement assistance and information sharing obligations; sixth, anti fraud publicity prompt obligations."
Lin Zilu also proposed that Douyu should take preventive or remedial measures before, during, and after the event, including establishing an internal control mechanism, proposing a complete internal control mechanism for monitoring, identifying, and disposing of fraudulent information, improving the platform user real name authentication system, improving the platform donation system, establishing an anti fraud publicity mechanism, regularly releasing anti fraud publicity information to users, and improving the communication mechanism between enterprises and public security, telecommunications, and cyberspace departments.
In addition, if the product eventually turns into fighting fish fins, as a platform, does fighting fish need to take relevant protective measures when any user purchases or uses shark fins? The reporter from Nandu interviewed Douyu regarding the above issues. The relevant person in charge responded that the complained users involved in the QR code fraud are not users who recharge and consume normally on Douyu, but rather users who recharge their Douyu accounts under the temptation of criminals. On July 24th, Douyu urgently shut down Douyu's password free payment function and contacted third-party payment platforms to jointly investigate related risks and optimize risk control measures. At the same time, the platform proactively banned 123 accounts related to violations, froze 35151 yuan of related funds involved in the case, and will continue to assist victims in reporting and helping them recover their losses in the future.
Lin Wenqi
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