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On June 27th, it was reported in the market that the "weight loss miracle drug" Wegovy (Chinese product name: Nuoheying) will be sold in limited quantities in China. On June 28th, relevant personnel from Novo Nordisk China responded to China Securities Journal and China Securities Taurus reporter that since the approval of Novo Nordisk, the company has officially launched the relevant process of drug supply according to the plan, and will bring this heavyweight product into the Chinese market as soon as possible to benefit obese patients.
Nordisk China stated that there is a significant unmet medical demand in the field of obesity treatment. As Novo Nordisk serves an increasing number of patients, the company's GLP-1 injection product portfolio is facing huge market demand. In China, the company will adhere to the principle of being responsible to patients and supply Nuoheying in a carefully planned manner after going public to ensure the continuity of patient medication, that is, to ensure that patients who have already started treatment can continue to receive treatment.
Currently, Novartis has been listed in over 10 countries worldwide. To meet the needs of patients, the company is working hard to increase the supply of GLP-1 class drugs. The company will responsibly distribute existing product supplies in the global market, adhere to consistent standards, and focus on ensuring the continuity of patient medication and the accessibility of innovative drugs.
On June 25th, the National Medical Products Administration of China approved the marketing application of Novo Nordisk's research and production of Novo Nordisk's Novo Nordisk (Smegglutide Injection for long-term weight management) in China. It is reported that Nuoheying can achieve an average weight loss of 17% (16.8KG) and bring multiple health benefits to patients beyond weight loss, and its safety has been widely verified.
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