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In less than half a year, Jike has released new versions of Jike 001 and Jike 007. The increase in orders brought about by this high-frequency product launch rhythm is still unknown, but it has caused dissatisfaction among some old car owners.
On the evening of the new model release, Jike car owners posted on multiple social media platforms accusing the brand of disregarding the rights of old car owners, and vented their emotions in the official live broadcast room. Jike subsequently closed the live streaming room comment function, and its multiple official social media platforms and executive accounts also closed their comment permissions.
Despite being deeply embroiled in public opinion disputes, the capital market has provided positive feedback. On August 14th, the stock price of Extreme Krypton rose by over 6.8% to $15.35. Investors' expectation for Jike is to quickly increase its sales volume to achieve a turnaround from losses to profits.
Blue Whale News reported that on the day after the press conference, some Jike car owners went directly to the headquarters of Jike Building in Hangzhou to protect their rights. It is reported that there were no less than 200 people on site. Until 5:30 pm that day, there were still car owners who had not left to protect their rights.
A Shanghai based Jike 001 car owner revealed to Interface News that some Jike car owners are preparing to go to the Jike Songjiang delivery center in Shanghai this weekend to protect their rights. The main demand of the car owner is to seek reasonable compensation and a sincere apology from Jike, and ensure that the OTA can be maintained normally in the future.
A Jike 001 car owner who picked up the car in April this year told Interface News that the launch of the new model will seriously affect the second-hand residual value of the old model. Another car owner who has only purchased Jike 001 for two months believes that Jike is suspected of false advertising and deceiving consumers during the sales process. When he purchased the car, the salesperson from Jike told him that there would be no updates or iterations of the purchased model in the short term.
On August 14th, the legal department of Jike released a statement stating that in response to the release of Jike's 2025 new product, there have been a large number of organized rumors, P-pictures, and personal attacks on fabricated facts on online platforms recently. The company has fixed relevant evidence and has reported to the police, and will strictly pursue the legal responsibility of all rumor mongers in accordance with the law.
Some car owners hope that Jike can replace the smart driving hardware to complete the upgrade, and Jike has a precedent of providing free replacement of Qualcomm 8155 chips for old car owners. However, Jike stated that Jike 001 adopts the version of Haohan Intelligent Driving Solution, which uses different layout schemes in terms of underlying chips, system control, and wiring harness layout compared to Mobileye Intelligent Driving Solution. At the system and hardware levels, they are two separate schemes, making it impossible to complete the replacement.
On the other hand, at that time, the delivery quantity of Jike 001 was not large, and the cost of replacement was relatively low. But from its launch in February to July, the 2024 model of Jike 001 added sales of over 50000 units.
In response to the dissatisfaction of old car owners, Jike explained to Interface News that when the 2024 Jike 001 was approved at the beginning of last year, it was not planned to adopt a self-developed intelligent driving solution. However, after the Jike 007 equipped with this version of the solution was launched, potential users of Jike 001 called for the same choice. Since April, Jike has initiated the development of its own intelligent driving solution and has advanced the release of the intelligent driving version 001, which was originally planned to be released by the end of the year.
Lin Jinwen, Vice President of Jike, said in a media group interview after the press conference, "We can understand the emotions of old car owners, but the iteration of technology and products must participate in industry competition, and this continuous iteration is bound to move forward. We will do our best within Jike's capabilities to ensure the rights and interests of old car owners in this and even the next generation product iteration
The competition in the new energy market has entered the stage of elimination, and every car brand still on the table needs to ensure continuous product iteration and sales growth. To a certain extent, only automotive companies with efficient research and development efficiency and the ability to launch new products have the possibility of survival in the future.
Jike achieved a monthly delivery volume of 20000 vehicles in May and June this year, but declined to 15700 vehicles in July. Against the backdrop of Jike 007 not growing into another sales pillar, Jike needs to continue upgrading the product strength of its two models to attract more consumers and achieve its annual sales target of 230000 units.
Unlike the mid-term facelifts every two years and model iterations every seven years during the era of fuel vehicles, the electric vehicle era has a faster model iteration speed and more functional changes. As cars become increasingly electronic, both old and new car brands are facing a dilemma between product updates and user interests. How to properly handle the emotions of old car owners has become particularly crucial.
In 2022, the Ideal ONE was discontinued and replaced ahead of schedule without timely communication with car owners, leading to widespread complaints from Ideal ONE car owners; In 2023, due to the switch of intelligent driving system, owners of the original P5 model of Xiaopeng Motors were unable to upgrade synchronously, and about 600 car owners issued a joint letter of complaint.
Both Ideal Automobile and Xiaopeng Motors have provided corresponding compensation for old car owners in the future. Jike also stated that it will provide car purchase vouchers worth 10000 yuan to old car owners.
The anger of car owners is understandable, but they need to be vigilant about being improperly used, which may not achieve their ultimate demands. Recently, chat records circulating on social media claimed that some extreme car owners received a compensation of 20000 yuan and signed a confidentiality agreement, which exacerbated the dissatisfaction of old car owners who believed that it could be "distributed according to the situation". But later on, the car owner clarified that the confidentiality agreement was fabricated and should not be spread in error.
标签: Xinhe twice carowner
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