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Micron: HBM has sold out this year and the vast majority of production capacity has been booked for next year. Micron CEO Sanjay Mehrotra stated on Wednesday during a earnings conference call that demand for AI servers is driving the rapid growth of HBM, DDR5, and data center SSDs. Among them, Micron HBM products are expected to generate billions of dollars in revenue in the 2024 fiscal year, and HBM revenue is expected to make a positive contribution to Micron's DRAM business and overall gross profit margin from the third quarter of the 2024 fiscal year. Mehrotra stated that Micron's HBM production capacity has been sold out this year, and the vast majority of production capacity for 2025 has been booked. In addition, it is expected that the supply of DRAM and NAND industries will be lower than demand in 2024.
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