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House Republicans tried to pass a package of annual spending bills on Thursday night, seeking to show that the often-divided party can remain united on legislative issues during final negotiations with Democrats this weekend to avert a government shutdown.
The votes came as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) sought concessions on border security measures, which he said could be a key element of any deal, as a possible way to break the impasse in Congress over government funding. Leaders of both parties in the House and Senate are hoping to reach a short-term funding deal to keep the government open for weeks or months while continuing efforts to pass full-year legislation.
But deep disagreements over spending levels, funding for Ukraine and border enforcement, as well as intense pressure from some hard-liners on Republican leaders, have dimpened hopes for a deal. McCarthy repeatedly had to placate conservatives and move further away from reaching an agreement with Democrats. Funding for the 2023 fiscal year expires on Sunday, and many lawmakers now expect at least a brief government shutdown.
The legislation to be voted on Thursday evening would fund the departments of State, Defense, Agriculture and Homeland Security, and the House is trying to move ahead with a bid to pass all 12 bills needed to fund the government.
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