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Recently, Mr. Li, a netizen, posted a video claiming that he had an accident while driving the NIO ES6 in the underground garage. Mr. Li believed that the accident was due to the vehicle's "automatic acceleration and brake failure.". On May 29th, the person in charge of NIO Auto told Nandu reporters that based on vehicle data analysis, the cause of the accident was slipping due to excessive speed, ABS system intervention does not mean the vehicle is out of control. The person in charge said, "NIO is still in communication with the car owner."
Mr. Li stated that at the time of the incident on May 17th, the vehicle was driving in an underground garage, suddenly accelerating and the brakes malfunctioning, ultimately colliding with a wall. According to the video content, Mr. Li said, "The car is starting to slip and accelerate, and the brakes cannot be stopped."
On May 29th, the person in charge of NIO Auto told Nandu reporters that according to background data provided by NIO, the vehicle's throttle pedal was continuously pressed for 18 seconds before the accident, and the speed rapidly accelerated from 6.9 kilometers per hour to 40.2 kilometers per hour. 4 seconds before the accident, the brake pedal began to be pressed and the brake pressure range was normal, The ABS system also continues to operate. However, due to the excessive speed at the time and the presence of moisture on the epoxy floor of the underground parking lot, the tire adhesion decreased and the collision ultimately failed to stop.
The person in charge said, "According to vehicle data analysis, the cause of the accident was slipping due to excessive speed.", ABS system intervention does not mean the vehicle is out of control
Meanwhile, the person in charge of NIO Auto stated that they have presented relevant data to Mr. Li and explained the cause of the accident, and are still in communication with the owner. NIO is willing to jointly choose a third-party testing agency with Mr. Li to test the vehicles involved, in order to ensure the fairness of the testing results.
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