NIO: 2800 battery swapping stations achieved
发表于 昨天 13:14
On December 16th, NIO's 2800th battery swapping station was officially launched at Wuyue Square in Lianshui County, Huai'an, accelerating the progress of battery swapping in every county in Jiangsu Province. At the same time, with the completion of the G65 Baomao high-speed battery swapping network, NIO has connected the high-speed battery swapping networks of 8 vertical, 9 horizontal, and 12 major city clusters. 系信息发布平台,仅提供信息存储空间服务。
- NIO: 1000 new battery swapping stations and 20000 charging piles will be added and laid out in 2024
- NIO: It is expected to build a total of 3310+battery swapping stations and 41000+charging piles by the end of the year
- NIO: 2382 swapping stations have been laid out, and the fourth generation swapping stations will be laid out in April
- NIO's first high-speed optical storage charging and discharging integrated power station has been put into operation
- GAC once again holds hands with NIO and both sides will promote the sharing of battery swapping stations for each other's vehicle models
- NIO's 800th high-speed swapping station is online
- NIO's 800th National High Speed Exchange Station Launched
- NIO's first fourth substitution power station in Beijing officially goes online
- In just 2 minutes and 24 seconds, NIO's first fourth substitution power station in Beijing will be launched
- NIO: Beijing's first fourth battery swapping station goes online, supporting independent battery swapping for multiple brands and models
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