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On September 4th, Nvidia spokesperson John Rizzo responded to reports of the US Department of Justice issuing subpoenas to the company, stating that the company's value is reflected in its performance and value to customers, and that "customers can choose the solution that best suits them. Previously, there were reports that the US Department of Justice, which is collecting evidence of Nvidia's violation of antitrust laws, has issued subpoenas to the chip manufacturer and other companies, escalating its investigation into the tech giant. According to informed sources, the Ministry of Justice, which had previously distributed survey questionnaires to companies, has now issued a legally binding requirement that recipients must provide information to them. This move means that the US government's investigation has taken another step towards formal prosecution. Insiders who are unwilling to disclose their identities also said that antitrust authorities are concerned that Nvidia is making it more difficult for customers to switch to other suppliers and punishing buyers who do not only use its artificial intelligence chips.
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