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Benefiting from the bullish market, most Hong Kong automotive stocks strengthened today, with Xiaopeng Automotive W (09868. HK), NIO SW (09866. HK), and Ideal Automotive W (02015. HK) rising 8.80%, 7.08%, and 6.92% respectively.
In terms of individual stocks, Xiaopeng Automobile ranked among the top performers, with the company launching Xiaopeng Automobile's self-developed humanoid bipedal robot PX5, a mass-produced land air integrated flying car, and the first MPV "Xiaopeng X9" on the Xiaopeng Technology Day held on the 24th.
At the same time, Xiaopeng Automobile is pre developing the next generation integrated die-casting technology. Chairman He Xiaopeng revealed that Xiaopeng is currently pre developing the next generation "CIB+mid floor" integrated die-casting technology, which will further improve the vehicle's endurance and reduce the vehicle's manufacturing costs in the future. He Xiaopeng stated that Xiaopeng is the only brand in China that has put into production a front and rear integrated die-casting body.
Ideal Car continued to lead in sales last week
On the 24th, Ideal Automobile announced that in the 43rd week of this year (October 16-22), its weekly sales of 9000 units remained the top selling new force brand in the Chinese market, continuing to hit the monthly sales of 40000 units.
Note: Last week's sales of Ideal Cars
IEA predicts that the number of electric vehicles will increase tenfold by 2030
The International Energy Agency (IEA) stated in its World Energy Outlook 2023 report that as more and more electric vehicles are on the road and countries around the world shift towards cleaner energy, global demand for fossil fuels will peak by 2030. The International Energy Agency stated that based on current policies in various countries, clean energy technology will play a greater role by 2030: the number of electric vehicles will increase tenfold.
At the same time, regarding domestic automobile sales, CITIC Construction Investment pointed out that in mid September 2023, the sales of domestic new energy vehicles under the AAC standard reached 904000 units, a year-on-year increase of 28%, exceeding the previous expectation of 880000 units.
Looking forward to the whole year, CITIC Construction Investment pointed out that the continuous enrichment of supply and the price reduction of the industrial chain will bring certainty to the quantity. From January to September, the cumulative year-on-year growth of domestic electric vehicles is 38%, and the annual sales forecast is over 9.2 million. It is expected that the domestic new energy vehicles will be sold in batches of 930000 (including commercial vehicles) in October, a year-on-year increase of 30%.
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