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On May 14th, Zero Run International was officially established. This is a joint venture between Leapmotor and Stellantis Group, and it is also the first time that domestic new energy vehicles have established a joint venture model in the global market.
Recently, reporters visited Zero Run Automobile, headquartered in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, to explore samples of Chinese new energy vehicle companies accelerating their overseas expansion.
At its exhibition center located in Binjiang District, Hangzhou, five rectangular boxes are neatly arranged on the silver gray frame base, left, right, center, and back, with pipelines connecting the boxes. This device, resembling a four leaf clover, is actually a brand new central integrated electronic and electrical architecture released by Zero Run last year, which is also the foundation of its technological strength and core competitiveness.
"Through this architecture, our car can be updated and iterated within 2 years. Even if consumers don't buy a new car, they can enjoy an updated technological experience through the iterative box (central integrated electronic and electrical architecture)." said Zhu Jiangming, Chairman of Zero Run Automobile.
The core technology and model research and development strength of China's new energy vehicles have been highly recognized by multinational corporations, which is a vivid portrayal of China's leading global new energy vehicle industry.
In recent years, under the wave of intelligence, electrification, and networking, China's production and sales of new energy vehicles have surged, ranking first in the world for nine consecutive years. Going abroad and competing on the same stage in the global market has become a consensus and goal for these new power car companies to enhance their competitiveness.
According to public information, Stellantis is the fourth largest automotive group in the world, with operations in over 130 countries worldwide. In October of last year, Stellantis announced that it would invest approximately 1.5 billion euros in order to acquire approximately 21% of the equity in Zero Run.
In July of last year, Volkswagen announced cooperation with Xiaopeng, Audi announced cooperation with SAIC, and Renault announced cooperation with Geely.
The other side of rapid growth is the widespread loss dilemma faced by new energy vehicle companies. Further enhancing the level of scale is the only way to achieve breakeven and enter sustainable operation as soon as possible.
"We have chosen to establish a joint venture company to accelerate our overseas market layout," said Zhu Jiangming. Currently, China's new energy vehicles have established a leading advantage in the global market, and how to go global faster and more efficiently has become an important issue.
For Zero Run, it is not so much about "prying open" the door to overseas markets, as it is more about "overseas" actively extending an "olive branch".
Why choose Zero Run? In the view of Xin Tianshu, Executive Vice President of Stellantis Group in China (currently CEO of Zero Run International), the concept of technological innovation and cost control, the upward trend of market sales, as well as an international perspective and product style, are the most crucial factors for Stellantis to be able to easily align with Zero Run.
"In fact, we act as an accelerator to help Zero Run enter the international market at a faster speed. At the same time, with Zero Run's product technology and cost control capabilities, our competitiveness will also be enhanced," said Xin Tianshu.
From opening up the country to exchange technology for the market, to now being approached by the market, in the example of Zero Run, open cooperation has been endowed with richer forms and deeper connotations..
In fact, in Zhejiang, with the continuous promotion of the "Sweet Potato Economy" upgrading and the "No.1 Open Project", local enterprises are like "Sweet Potato". Although they are located in China, the "vine" composed of their products, technology, and brand is constantly expanding outward, absorbing more nutrients for the growth of "Sweet Potato".
According to the plan, in three months, the two pure electric vehicle models of Zero Run will be sold to markets in nine European countries, including France, Italy, and Germany, through the sales service network of joint venture partners.
"Our goal is to achieve overseas sales of 7000 to 10000 units this year and strive to reach 70000 to 100000 units next year," said Zhu Jiangming.
At the same time, the construction of an intelligent new factory located in Hangzhou is being accelerated.
Whether sweet potatoes grow well or not depends on soil quality.
From official announcement to completion of delivery, it only took 25 days, and to Zero Run International operation, it only took half a year.
In addition to the immediate agreement between both sides, we have also received support from many government departments. In Zhu Jiangming's view, this may be the "fastest" multinational car joint venture in history.
This cooperation has also made Xin Tianshu more deeply feel the vitality and charm of the Chinese market.
"We can deeply see China's continuous pace of reform and expansion of opening up. Not only in the automotive industry, but also in other industries, the negative list of foreign investment is constantly shrinking, and equity restrictions are constantly being lifted. This provides more opportunities and space for the development of foreign enterprises in China," said Xin Tianshu.
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