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Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicited opinions on a mandatory national standard "Technical Requirements and Experimental Methods for Passenger Car Braking Systems", which involves changes in the application conditions of energy recovery braking functions for new energy vehicles. There are voices in the market suggesting that Tesla's single pedal mode may be banned.
The so-called "single pedal mode" usually refers to when the driver completely releases the accelerator pedal, the driving motor recovers kinetic energy with high power, the vehicle decelerates quickly, and the car can be stopped without pressing the brake pedal.
Some argue that due to the difference between single pedal mode and the driving methods commonly learned by drivers, some drivers need time to adapt. At the same time, the single pedal mode requires high control accuracy for the accelerator pedal, and improper operation may cause the accelerator to brake.
"We don't have the concept of single pedal mode, it's all a false rumor online." On June 3rd, Tesla store staff told Securities Times · e Company reporters that Tesla's cars have always had two pedals, and currently, the kinetic energy recovery has been adjusted to two modes, which customers can adjust according to different driving habits.
In addition, Tesla sources have stated that they have not received any news that "single pedal mode will be banned", and the relevant standards have not been officially released and implemented, which will not affect existing products and functions. According to online interpretation, the reporter sought confirmation from Tesla officials, but as of the time of publication, no response has been received.
On May 27th, the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology publicly solicited opinions on five mandatory national standards, including "Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Passenger Car Braking Systems", which required the prohibition of using the kinetic energy recovery function to completely brake the vehicle. The deadline for soliciting opinions is July 27, 2024.
According to the "Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Passenger Car Braking Systems" (draft for soliciting opinions), compared to GB 21670-2008 "Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Passenger Car Braking Systems", the latest version of the document has added the requirement that "A type and vehicles with both A type and B type electric regenerative braking systems cannot decelerate to a stop by releasing the accelerator pedal.".
It is reported that from November 14th to 16th, 2023, the sixth meeting of the revision working group for GB 21670 "Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Passenger Car Braking Systems" was held. The meeting focused on discussing the relevant content of the A-type electric regenerative braking system in the standard, mainly considering proposing relevant technical requirements based on China's national conditions to reduce safety risks caused by driver misoperation and system failure.
The attending experts exchanged suggestions and the status of their respective products, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the above plans from their respective perspectives. The conclusion of the meeting discussion was to add new requirements and supplement and improve relevant experimental methods. After the meeting, the drafting group updated and formed a draft for public consultation based on the discussion results.
The document states that in recent years, with the gradual widespread application of A-type electric regenerative braking system technology, drivers may develop corresponding driving habits by controlling the accelerator pedal for a long time to achieve braking and parking, which may lead to misuse such as accidental stepping in emergency braking conditions.
"To clarify the positioning of A-type electric power regeneration as an auxiliary braking, this requirement is proposed based on thorough industry research and discussion, aiming to guide drivers to develop good driving habits and ensure driving safety." The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that considering industry technology and product status, this clause provides a separate transitional period.
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