The Ministry of Civil Affairs announces the list of three designated personal help seeking online service platforms, including Shuidichou
发表于 6 小时前
On December 16th, the Ministry of Civil Affairs announced on its official website the list of three designated personal help seeking online service platforms. These three platforms include the Shuidi Fund operated by Beijing Shuidi Mutual Insurance Technology Co., Ltd., the Ease Fund operated by Beijing Zhongyi Internet Network Technology Co., Ltd., and the Warm Heart Huimin Fund operated by Beijing Warm Heart Huimin Technology Co., Ltd.
The Ministry of Civil Affairs has clarified that the public announcement period is from December 17, 2024 to December 23, 2024. During the public notice period, if there are any objections to the proposed designated list, they can be truthfully reflected through telephone, fax, or other means.
In September 2024, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and five other departments jointly announced the "Management Measures for Personal Help Network Service Platforms", which stipulate that personal help network service platforms should be designated by the civil affairs department of the State Council; Without authorization, no organization or individual may engage in activities under the name of seeking help from online service platforms. In October, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a notice to select individual help seeking online service platforms. (Reporter Gao Lei) 系信息发布平台,仅提供信息存储空间服务。
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