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After the Chinese feminist movement was subjected to waves of banned titles on the internet, the Communist Party of China has increased its efforts to reshape family values.   Feminists say that after organized protests have been completely suppressed by the authorities, many women have resorted to personal choices of not getting married or having children as a counterattack against the Communist Party's patriarchal system. This nonviolent and uncooperative passive protest has formed a front line and has become the forefront of today's Chinese feminist movement.

The New York Times stated that the Chinese Women's National Congress, which is held every five years, has always been committed to promoting Communist Party policies, rather than truly fighting for women's rights, and has only symbolic significance.  
Stable unit
Chinese feminist activist Lv Bin, who lives in the United States, stated in an interview with Voice of America that in China, the family is a unit of national stability, and national stability must be achieved through the stability of the family unit. Family stability refers to "each family does not bring trouble to the country", and what is needed at this time is women's morality and labor.
However, in fact, in the early stages of the establishment of the Communist Party of China, the role of treating women did not make them stay at home; On the contrary, "Women can hold up half the sky" was a popular slogan during Mao Zedong's era, and the role of women in public affairs was recognized.
In an interview with VOA, Wu Weiting, director of the Gender Research Institute of Taiwan's Shixin University, said that the role of women in China was a top-down women's liberation movement when the CPC was founded, mainly because the CPC wanted to make a comparison with the Kuomintang, so she hoped that women could establish their own spirit, break through feudal ethics, and strive for their own liberation, Do not allow women to stay in a marital situation such as polygamy, or in a situation where women have no education or work. Therefore, both the founding of the CPC and the initial goal of the founding of the People's Republic of China are actually to emphasize that women should go out of their families and get full employment.
However, so far, significant changes have been made, "said Wu Weiting.
Women's Role Transformation
She stated that after China's reform and opening up, there has been a sharp increase in private enterprises, which have become more stringent in accounting for economic costs. Women's marriage and childbirth are subject to employment discrimination, resulting in their overall income lagging behind men and a decline in social status.  
Nowadays, with China facing a very serious problem of having fewer children, the proportion of young people not getting married is also increasing, making the role of women in childbirth more urgent.
According to the statistics of the National Health Commission of China, the number of newborns born in China in 2022 was only 9.56 million, a decrease of 10% compared to 10.62 million in 2021, setting the lowest level in history and ushering in the first negative growth of the Chinese population in 61 years.
The number of marriages in China has also halved in less than 10 years. In 2022, approximately 6.8 million couples in China registered for marriage, only half of the number in 2013, the lowest level since records began in 1986.
Wu Weiting said that the Chinese government has started encouraging the birth of a third child at this time, but has not done a good job in supporting it, including how women should effectively balance childcare and career development if they want to continue working. Therefore, when policies encourage having more children, it actually has a role: to push women back home.
Impaired equity
Lv Bin said that pushing women back into the family would cause significant harm to women's rights in three aspects. One is in the public sphere, where women's political participation will become very low and they cannot express their views through politics; Secondly, in the professional field, various employment discrimination will be detrimental to women's promotion and development in the workplace; The third is in the private sector, where women lack protection of relevant rights and benefits within the family, including divorce issues.
According to the 2022 Global Gender Gap Report released by the World Economic Forum in the middle of last year, China ranks 102nd out of 146 countries, belonging to the latter group. In 2006, China ranked 63rd, representing the increasing differences in social resource allocation and access opportunities between the sexes in China in recent years. In addition, in terms of women's political empowerment, China ranks 120th, compared to 118th in 2021. Among them, the proportion of female representatives to the National People's Congress (NPC) ranks 80th among all 146 countries, 4 places behind compared to 2021. The proportion of female heads of central government departments is 139th, 8 places behind last year.
Speak and act accordingly
Chinese sociologist Zhou Xiao, who previously taught in the Department of Sociology at Renmin University of China and currently resides in the United States, said in an interview with Voice of America that the new Politburo members after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have no female members, let alone occupying a seat in the top seven member Politburo Standing Committee, which highlights the issue of gender inequality in Chinese politics. Therefore, the CCP's emphasis on women is only an official superficial statement, In fact, to say and do one thing is to show off.
He said that when he was studying in China before, his teacher once told them that if we analyze the meaning of the sentence "women can hold up half of the sky", it actually represents "men can hold up half of the sky". Otherwise, why not also say "men can hold up half of the sky". However, in this case, the combination of men and women in a family becomes "one and a half", and "this logic is actually incorrect".
He also said that if the outside world regards giving birth to three children as a policy goal of China, it is too rational and overestimates the Communist Party's regime, because the Communist Party actually has no policy goal, it is just "fooling around".  
Zhou Xiaozheng said that after the extremely absurd policy of having only one child in China, two children were later opened up, and now three children are opened up. Many people simply "don't have children or play" and choose to lie flat, not fall in love, not get married, or have children.
Wu Weiting, director of the Gender Research Institute at Shixin University in Taiwan, stated that in the early days, the Communist Party of China regarded "gender equality" as a basic national policy, but now it is very far from this goal. Not only is it pushing women back to their families, but in fact, since the series of crackdowns on gender rights activists, especially women's rights organizations, which began in 2014, gender equality has even become a key word for maintaining stability on the Chinese internet.
Wu Weiting said, "I think this shows that for the current leaders of the Communist Party of China, gender equality is no longer their primary national policy policy, but rather how women can contribute to slowing down the phenomenon of fewer children and solving the problem of population reduction. I think this is what they are most concerned about
Confronting Western Ideology
  Alternatively, concepts such as the theory of women's development with Chinese characteristics aim to differentiate themselves from the West. Therefore, when the West has been discussing gender equality and the protection of diverse human rights for decades, Xi naturally chooses to reject such trends.
Wu Weiting said, "So in recent years, we have also seen that, especially this year, many concerts are prohibited from having any rainbow like symbols or any other items. In fact, it can be seen that it is a confrontation between China, the United States, or the Western world
Decentralization and personalization
However, Wu Weiting also stated that although some experienced Chinese feminists and multi gender activists have been forced to leave China, the White Paper Revolution that occurred last year continues to see some sporadic new generation faces that speak for the feminism movement. Therefore, Chinese women's movements may appear to have disappeared in organizational actions and internet connectivity, but they are actually closely integrated with the younger generation in China, It just becomes more personalized and decentralized, making it harder for the authorities to suppress it.
Chinese feminist activist Lv Bin also said that under the strict control of the Communist Party of China, it is almost impossible for feminists to engage in advocacy, supervision, and accountability movements. However, if it is to allow women to express their personal opinions and make their own choices about their own life problems and lifestyles, there are still many discussions on the Internet of this kind, The most prominent theme among them is about marriage and childbirth, which is to uphold women's rights in personal expression of marriage and childbirth.
She said that people connect and resonate with each other by discussing their own way of life, which is now the most important way for Chinese feminists to express women's rights.
Lv Bin said, "So people form a front through each person's own choices, and this front has many people participating, that is, not getting married or having children, or at least not following this patriarchal expectation to get married and have children." She said, this kind of nonviolent and non cooperative passive resistance is actually at the forefront of China's feminist movement today.
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