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Mr. Wen/Shin Yun
/ Jin Yun made it up
As economic development and city-building accelerate, Asia is becoming one of the most promising regions in the world for the future. Asia is as big as it is, and Asian cities are unique. What cities will become leading cities in Asia?
In order to better understand the problem, Japan had recently published a widely noted report. The report focuses on the next 20 years and provides projections for the six most developed cities in Asia, which it calls the leading cities in Asia.
Tokyo: Top Asia
As this is the Japanese list, the capital ranks first. Tokyo is adjacent to the Pacific Ocean, making it an international transport and trade centre.
Urban construction in Tokyo is very modern. The city's high iron, modern airports and efficient subway networks have made travel easy for people. The Tokyo Municipality is also increasing its investment and improving it to meet the growing need for travel. The need for good infrastructure provides a solid foundation for the future development of Tokyo.
The Tokyo economy is number one in Asia. The city has a large economy of that size, with GDP at the top of the world's ranks and a number of enterprises and financial institutions.
As an international city, Tokyo promotes the development of science, technology and innovation, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence and big data technologies. Under the Tokyo plan, digital transformation was one of the priorities for the future, attracting the world ' s leading research institutions and enterprises to work together to promote economic growth in Asia.
Tokyo is well known for its advanced technology and open environment. Numerous science and technology parks and innovation incubators provide a unique ecosystem for start-ups, encourage the emergence of ideas and technological breakthroughs, and provide a constant source of innovation for urban development.
The city ' s diverse culture and the international community provided opportunities for cooperation and exchanges among professionals in various fields, further promoting the prosperity of innovation and creativity. Tokyo will continue to attract the best talent and capital globally and to give new impetus to Asian economic growth.
2. Singapore: A better future for this small island State
As one of the four Asian dragons that began the post-World War II economy, Singapore has maintained strong growth momentum. This was thanks to the long-term vision of the Singapore Government and the perseverance and wisdom of its citizens. As a result, the Sun-Japan News is also optimistic about the long-term future of Singapore, which will retain its second place in Asia.
Singapore is located in South-East Asia, bordering on the Indian Ocean, and is stifling the Strait of Malacca. This unique geographical location makes Singapore the main transit point for international trade, and goods can easily travel to and from Asia through Singapore. In addition, Singapore ' s port utilization rate was very high, and the processing of a large number of cargo operations was a strong engine of foreign trade for the country.
Singapore had always adhered to the principles of neutrality, openness and free trade and had established trade relations with more than 130 countries and regions around the world. Singapore plays an important role in trade in Asia and around the world as the world becomes more and more interconnected.
Singapore ' s economic policy is attractive to global capital and talent. Singapore had created a good business climate, low corporate taxes and diversified support measures. Many TNCs had established Asian headquarters or regional offices in Singapore, which had given further impetus to the city ' s economic growth.
Singapore was also eager to develop high-tech areas and had invested considerable human and financial resources in that regard. Singapore had made significant progress in the areas of artificial intelligence, biotechnology and aerospace. Science and technology developments have given Singapore a new impetus to economic growth, making it highly competitive in high-profit new industries.
Hong Kong: a treasure of the convergence of East-West cultures
For historical reasons, Hong Kong has integrated diverse cultures. These cultural identities come from many places, including China, the United Kingdom and other Asian countries. This unique cultural background is reflected in the construction, diet, language and lifestyle of Hong Kong.
Hong Kong's geography is also unique. The city is facing the sea, surrounded by mountains, beautiful landscapes. The city ' s natural and humanist landscape attracts a large number of tourists, and annual tourism revenues are significant.
As a commercial financial centre in Asia, Hong Kong ' s status can be said to be very important. The financial system, legal framework and business infrastructure make this city one of the most competitive in the world. Hong Kong ' s securities market has a global reputation and its monetary stability and financial freedom are internationally recognized. As a result, large international flows of money flowed out of the Hong Kong stock market.
The openness of Hong Kong is quite high, and the Government has strongly supported foreign investment, a free business environment, a liberal tax environment, good laws, and easy procedures, which have attracted a large number of TNCs. In addition, the business package is well established, and the whole city is prosperous.
The degree of internationalization in Hong Kong makes it the crossroads of East-West culture, with scholars and scientists from around the world. The city accommodates different cultures and religions and provides a free academic environment. The education system in Hong Kong is also highly respected. The University of Hong Kong, the Chinese-speaking University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology are the top universities in Asia, attracting outstanding students from all over the world, thus empowering the most advanced in science and technology. A long time.
Seoul: The rise of the future city is rapidly emerging as one of the most developed cities in Asia. This increase is partly due to excellent infrastructure planning and development in Seoul. Seoul's subway system has been extended throughout the city, creating an easy transport network. World-class airports and ports provide easy access to international trade and commerce.
The Seoul Municipal Government is constantly improving urban infrastructure to meet development needs. Roads and bridges are being built to reduce traffic congestion and to improve mobility. This not only enhances the image of cities but also attracts foreign investment.
Seoul focuses not only on infrastructure but also on technological innovation. His Government had developed plans for the next decade. The first is the expansion of the metro system to promote public transport. Urban infrastructure has reached a new level.
Second, with regard to communications, full coverage of the 5G network has been achieved and 6G piloting and application has been promoted. The initiative will enable Seoul to become a digital city and enhance its competitiveness.
Seoul is stepping up efforts to nurture new industries, to phase out backward industries and to optimize the economic system. It is planned to provide a solid basis for the development of the city by strongly supporting high-technology enterprises in the coming years. Semiconductors and electronics, as the backbone industries, will continue to maintain the innovation drive to ensure global leadership.
Not only has Seoul made great strides at home, but it is also gaining influence in Asia. As a result of its close alliance with the United States and its own economic development, Seoul ' s voice in the region has become increasingly important.
Shanghai: Open, inclusive, innovative
Shanghai, on the eastern coast of China, has become a pearl on the international stage. The international reputation and importance of Shanghai is growing and becomes one of the most important cities in China and indeed in the world.
The opening of Shanghai is internationally recognized. Shanghai was once the most prosperous area in the Far East. The Ten Mile Park brings together all kinds of capital and Westerners. Irrespective of city-building, cultural absorption and economic development, many countries have long seen it.
Since the establishment of the new China and the opening up of the reforms, Shanghai has been the first to try a number of market-based reform initiatives and has become a front-line position for China ' s external relations.
The establishment of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone and the foreign trade facilitation policy have provided strong support for the internationalization of Shanghai. Indeed, Shanghai has become China ' s largest foreign direct investment city, attracting a large number of foreign enterprises to establish headquarters or branches there.
Shanghai has also been active in the development of diversified industrial structures and has been working on strategic and emerging industries such as tourism, the information industry, high-technology equipment and new energy vehicles. The establishment of Disneyland and the commissioning of the Tesla factory were success stories.
Scientific and technological development is also one of the priorities of Shanghai ' s efforts. The city has numerous high-level scientific institutions specializing in original research and development in the field of high-technology. Shanghai has made remarkable achievements in integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals and clean energy, and has become one of the major centres of science, technology and innovation in Asia.
The city has excellent educational resources, world-class universities, such as the University of Shanghai and Shanghai Transport, as well as China ' s top primary and secondary education system, which provide a huge pool of talent for urban construction.
As China ' s largest and most prosperous city, Shanghai leads economic development and links the world to the outside world. Shanghai has become one of China ' s economic centres, leading economic growth in China and Asia.
Beijing: dual political and economic power
Beijing is located at the heart of China ' s northern plains, connecting many provinces in northern China. The Capital International Airport and the Da Xing International Airport are connected and one of the world ' s most important aviation hubs, bringing China closer to the world.
The continued development of infrastructure provides strong guarantees for urban development. The Beijing municipality has not only continued to improve urban roads and transport facilities, but has also invested heavily in new transport projects. It is planned that the establishment of the “mite” high-level iron network will make Beijing a national high-level hub, further enhancing the capacity of cities to absorb resources and talent.
Beijing is the centre of China ' s political system, where the highest political institutions and State organs are located. China ' s political status on the international scene has steadily increased over the decades. China has become one of the largest economies in the world, making Beijing one of the world ' s most important political entities.
Beijing ' s character as an international metropolitan and economic centre is becoming increasingly evident. Most of the leading firms that invest in China have established their headquarters here as a repository of global finance. His influence spread throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
With China ' s large population base and rapid economic development, the larger Chinese market has attracted more attention from transnational corporations, which have invested more resources and policies at their headquarters in Beijing to take Beijing forward.
Beijing is well known for its powerful science, technology and innovation ecosystem. China’s oldest and most powerful scientific and technological research and development base. The city has leading universities, research institutions and the largest technology companies in the country, attracting high-level scientists, engineers and innovators from both home and abroad to work here.
Science and technology enterprises and research institutions, while promoting the development of high-technology industries, have also served as incubators for innovation and enabled Beijing to remain dynamic.
Through policy and financial investment, the Government has accelerated the progress of the high-tech industry, making China a global leader in science, technology and innovation, contributing innovative thinking to urban development.
The rise of Asia has not only benefited local populations but also had a positive impact on global change. These open, innovative and pluralistic cultural environments attract the world ' s most powerful capital and the best talent and drive global science, technology, innovation and economic growth. They play an important role in international affairs, trade, cultural exchanges and scientific research, and Asia is gaining influence.
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