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According to AI News, on April 25th, NIO Holding Co., Ltd. and Wuhan Lotus Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Lotus") announced at the 2024 Beijing International Auto Show that they have officially reached a charging and swapping strategic cooperation. According to the agreement, both parties will carry out comprehensive and multi-level deep strategic cooperation in battery standards, charging and swapping technology, battery asset management and operation, charging and swapping service network construction and operation, research and customization of charging and swapping tram models, charging interconnection and other fields related to the charging and swapping industry, promoting the establishment of a unified battery standard system and collaborative research and development of passenger cars with adaptive swapping systems; Promote the interconnection and interoperability between battery swapping operation networks and operators; Promote the establishment of a unified management system for battery swapping operations; Promote the establishment of an efficient battery asset management system; Promote the interconnection and interoperability of charging platforms; Promote the establishment of a unified high-power charging technology system and a reliable shared high-power charging network.
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