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Masayoshi Son, CEO of SoftBank Group, has said that artificial general intelligence is so powerful that it will surpass all human knowledge within a decade.
"Either seize the opportunity or fall behind," Son said at SoftBank World, SoftBank's annual general meeting.
Mr Son, 66, has made it clear he is convinced. He devoted much of his roughly hour-long talk on Wednesday to arguing for the widespread development and application of general artificial intelligence, a computer system that can rival human intelligence and reasoning.
He says he talks to GPT-4, a higher-level version of the AI ChatGPT, every day, debating ideas for potential inventions. When he got tired of debating GPT-4, he created characters on the chatbot to debate each other and serve as a "judge," pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments.
Son said he believes general AI will be 10 times more powerful than human intelligence by 2030. He has drawn up a road map of what he believes will be achieved in the coming decades: a complete transition to self-driving cars that will virtually eliminate road accidents; General AI alone could make progress in engineering and science worthy of a Nobel Prize.
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