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The financial report performance exceeded expectations, and Nvidia's US stock price rose by over 16% last night. The company's market value increased by $277 billion, equivalent to approximately RMB 1.99 trillion, marking the highest daily market value increase in US stock history.
Nvidia's soaring prices have also kept private equity tycoon Dan Bin busy from morning till night. Danbin posted on Weibo, saying, "In the past two years, there have been several products that are close to the liquidation line. I don't want to lie flat, and I am trying my best to reverse the situation. Recently, based on my confidence in Nvidia's performance, I have gone all out to welcome a home run opportunity. Nvidia has risen more than 16%, indicating that Danbin has successfully hit this home run!" At 7:10 yesterday, When replying to Weibo fans, Danbin said, "I mainly worked hard for a few products that were close to the liquidation line, and I will never release products with liquidation lines again in the future.".
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