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Nike announced that it will officially open the live broadcast in Tiktok tonight, and two official flagship stores, NIKE Huaihai Trend Flagship Store and NIKE Guangzhou Brand Flagship Store, were first launched. This move also officially unveils Nike's new layout in the social e-commerce field, opening up new growth opportunities and growth development space for its business in China.
It is understood that Nike plans to lay out the live broadcast matrix of global concept stores in Tiktok, and build an online and offline omni channel service system for members with members as the center. In the future, in addition to enjoying many benefits of Nike members online, consumers on Tiktok will also have the opportunity to participate in sports community activities organized by rich offline stores, such as Nike offline running groups.
Different from other brands on Tiktok, Nike creates unique live scenes and provides consumers with diverse and unique content and products inspired by global concept stores in every live studio on Tiktok. Taking the two official flagship stores currently online as examples, NIKE Huaihai Trendy Flagship Store will focus on trendy fashion, providing consumers with professional sports fashion advice and the latest trendy hot items; The Nike Guangzhou flagship store provides professional sports guidance and product equipment for consumers who enjoy sports.
When talking about entering the online consumer market of Tiktok, Men Lijun, Nike's vice president and general manager of market development in Greater China, explained, "Nike is where the consumer is. The layout of Tiktok e-commerce through the global concept store matrix model is Nike's pioneering work in the field of social e-commerce, and also a key step in Nike's market integration strategy. Consumer demand and brand interaction are constantly changing. We hope to break the boundaries of the 'store' concept, and build a deep connection with the Chinese young generation of consumers in a new way through highly immersive and inspirational content."
Layout social e-commerce and create a new scene for sports retail
Throughout the development of online e-commerce, major domestic e-commerce platforms are constantly innovating and exploring the path of improving user experience. In the past year, Tiktok, as one of the fastest growing platforms in the field of domestic live broadcast e-commerce, has brought new use scenarios to consumers from the perspective of user experience while the user scale and activity continue to grow. Tiktok's real-time interactivity and strong social attributes also bring more three-dimensional and intuitive product presentation to sports consumers. It generates impulses based on "interest" and consumes to meet consumers' new personalized needs.
Through the global concept store matrix, Nike will accurately reach the target population in the form of short videos and live broadcasts, and the diversified "interests" of grass planting Tiktok users will maximize the coverage of the segmentation needs of Tiktok users: Nike plans to create nearly 1000 high-quality original short video content per account every month in the future, to stimulate and meet the diversified personalized needs of Tiktok consumers.
At the same time, Nike star signed athletes and coaches will also successively appear in the Nike Tiktok studio to provide personalized recommendations for live viewers with professional, scientific and rich sports core content, build a new online scene of Nike sports community, and closely connect with sports fans. In the future, Nike will lay out more global concept stores in Tiktok.
Nike Sports Market Fully Connected, Unleashing Online Growth Potential
In fact, in addition to the innovative business model on Tiktok, Nike has been actively trying to provide consumers with more online and offline personalized services and expand service boundaries. Earlier, Nike took the lead in actively building a digital private domain ecosystem in the WeChat ecosystem, fully leveraging Nike's strong retail network advantages and maximizing store service space and time.
With its strong brand appeal and operational management capabilities, Nike has timely seized online opportunities based on its stores, and continuously enriched and improved the digital private domain ecosystem and store private domain matrix. At present, more than 260 Nike direct stores across the country provide 1:1 personalized services to over 5.6 million consumers and enterprise followers every day.
Nike is also actively exploring the service model of co building Nike membership with dealers, helping dealers better complete the digital transformation of their stores and build private domain service capabilities. At present, we have completed the co construction of Nike members in over 850 top Nike dealerships nationwide. In the future, we will continue to invest in member co construction and private domain operations for our dealers.
Previously, Nike had established a complete digital ecosystem. Starting from July 2022, Nike accelerated the transformation of China's digital platform and built an integrated "Nike Sports Market" to enhance consumer service capabilities through a more convenient and efficient digital ecosystem, while also encouraging more people to participate in sports. So far, a complete digital ecosystem has been established, including Nike App and Nike Com, SNKRS App, Nike WeChat Mini Program, NTC WeChat Mini Program and other proprietary digital platforms, as well as three flagship stores and one official Olay store in strategic partner Tmall platform layout.
On the Tmall platform, Nike and Tmall collaborated in 2021 to launch the "Nike Membership Advancement Program" and continuously innovated, introducing a series of highly personalized, interesting, and more in-depth member interactions to optimize the membership experience for Chinese consumers. In the customized membership zone of the brand, consumers can unlock membership benefits and upgrade the membership experience through innovative and personalized deep interaction methods. By creating interactive designs with great effort, we help newly registered members quickly understand Nike and the product designs that the brand has created for different consumer groups. While encouraging members to participate in sports, the emotional bond between the brand and consumers is further strengthened. It is understood that during the Double Eleven period in 2023, the average consumption per member increased by over 30% compared to the same period last year.
With the addition of new members in social e-commerce and the expansion of more new consumer scenarios, it will bring new growth opportunities for Nike to accelerate its digital transformation. "There is still huge room for imagination in social e-commerce, and Nike is increasing investment in this consumer market, embracing cutting-edge technological innovation, and continuously driving business growth in China," said Men Lijun. "With the continuous recovery of the Chinese consumer market and the return of the sports craze, Nike will continue to focus on physical retail, promote the upgrading of retail stores' experience, and accelerate digital layout to achieve large-scale growth."
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