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As the twelfth lunar month approaches, the taste of the new year gradually becomes stronger. On January 16th, the reporter learned that the 2024 JD New Year Goods Festival will officially start at 8pm on January 17th. It is reported that this year's New Year's Goods Festival will continue until February 17th, divided into five stages: preheating period, opening ceremony, scene period, small year period, spring delivery period, etc. Through activities such as billions of yuan subsidy day, cheap free shipping day, super brand alliance, and super small year live broadcast night, consumers will be able to purchase all the special New Year's goods gifts at affordable prices in one stop.
During this year's JD New Year Shopping Festival, professional JD sales representatives will collaborate with celebrity influencers to carry out a series of New Year themed live streaming activities, providing consumers with an immersive shopping experience through real-time interaction on and off the screen. During the Spring Festival, JD's sales live broadcast room will embark on a unique journey of tracing the origin of New Year's goods, leading viewers to visit Harbin, Yiwu and other places, bringing more good and cheap source New Year's goods. Many top brands in various categories have joined hands with endorsement stars or brand CEOs to visit the live broadcast room and jointly recommend holiday products. On February 2nd, during the Chinese New Year's Eve, the JD Sales Live Room will hold a live broadcast of the JD Sales Annual Meeting. The youthful and energetic JD Sales will bring a joyful and interesting performance of the annual meeting.
The reporter learned that the 10 billion subsidy day will take the lead in opening at 8:00 p.m. on January 17, bringing benefits such as 8.8 yuan annual sales, 50% off of the most popular funds, and the Laba benefits such as "50% off Congee". Among them, the "Monthly Black Wind High" campaign with a subsidy of tens of billions will also add a lot of 50% off good items, and 10 pounds of packaged rice can be sold for 1 yuan in Northeast China. The Cheap Free Shipping Day event on January 19th will continue to bring consumers a cost-effective industrial belt direct shipping product that also includes free shipping. In addition, some products on the 9.9 yuan free shipping channel will also have a pre enjoy and post pay feature online.
The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival for Chinese people, and buying New Year goods and hoarding New Year gifts is one of the important customs for every household before the festival. This New Year's Goods Festival has brought a wide range of top selling items, 50% off flash sale items, super single items and other popular items, covering all categories. With super value prices and diverse forms, it meets the personalized New Year's goods and gift needs of consumers.
JD Supermarket has taken the lead in opening up its products, offering over a million different categories including grain and oil seasoning, alcoholic beverages, fresh produce, mother and baby products, and pets. Customers can enjoy discounts of 10% off for 2 items and 20% off for 3 items when shopping. On the main promotion days of JD Supermarket from January 29th to January 31st, you can also grab multiple discounts such as 299 discount coupons and 30 discount coupons.
In the new year, there will be new equipment, and JD 3C Digital has launched discounts such as a maximum subsidy of 2000 yuan for exchanging old for new, a maximum of 24 interest free periods, and an additional subsidy reduction of 50 yuan. For iPhone 15, JD 3C Digital has reduced its annual sales by 800 yuan. Entering the twelfth lunar month is the New Year, and revitalizing home appliances has become one of the ceremonial feelings for young people to welcome the New Year. JD Home Appliances offers super value benefits such as a 10% discount for over 1 yuan and a doubling of the trade in subsidy. We also collaborate with well-known home appliance brands to list low-priced items and Dragon Year limited edition items that cost 9 yuan and receive free shipping.
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