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According to CCTV news, on June 20th local time, American Airlines suspended employees involved in an incident where passengers were ejected from the plane.
It is reported that a flight of American Airlines had multiple African American passengers kicked off the plane due to a passenger's complaint about a strong body odor on board. Three of the passengers filed a lawsuit against the incident in May, claiming to have suffered racial discrimination. According to the lawsuit, the three men claimed that they did not know each other and did not sit together. At that time, a total of eight passengers were required to disembark from the plane.
American Airlines CEO Robert Isom stated in a statement to employees that the incident is unacceptable and they have taken accountability measures against the employees involved, including suspending work.
It is reported that this is not the first time American airlines have faced allegations of racial discrimination. In 2017, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in the United States warned African American passengers to avoid taking American airline flights, stating that the airline engaged in "disrespectful" and "discriminatory" behavior, as well as "race sensitive and potentially racially biased corporate culture.". Subsequently, American airlines announced improvements in their operating methods, and the warning was lifted.
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