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Today, the legal department of Ideal Automobile (HK2015, stock price of HKD 79.55, market value of HKD 168.81 billion) posted on Weibo that recently, online users uploaded photos of Ideal Automobile vehicles stored in large parking lots on social media, and spread rumors such as "Ideal Automobile's new cars were registered and used as second-hand cars for export" and "Ideal Automobile's sales data was falsified".
After verification, the picture shows the distribution center of Ideal Automobile located in Chengdu. The registered vehicles are the retired 2023 model and the 2024 Ideal L-series test drive vehicles waiting to be transferred. There is no situation where new cars are sold or exported as second-hand cars after being centrally registered.
Please inform the general public of the truth and not believe or spread rumors. In response to those who fabricate, distort facts, and spread rumors, Ideal Automobile will take relevant measures to hold the rumormongers legally responsible.
It is worth noting that some models under the Ideal Automobile brand have been sold in parallel export to countries or regions such as the Middle East, Russia, Kazakhstan, etc.
On July 18, 2023, Li Xiang posted on Weibo that in the first two weeks of July 2023, Ideal Automobile was privately exported with over 200 vehicles. After a detailed investigation, it was found that the vehicles were mainly exported to Central Asia and the Middle East. The reason why they were so difficult to transport to foreign countries was because there was a price difference of nearly 200000 yuan. However, Li wants to emphasize that we will not focus on overseas markets before 2025 and will concentrate all resources to achieve our 2025 goals. We will still maintain a direct sales model in overseas markets. The ideal goal is to achieve the top sales of all luxury brands in the Chinese market (i.e. the top sales of all passenger cars above 200000 yuan), with a delivery volume of 1.6 million vehicles per year.
The "private parallel export" mentioned by Li Xiang is a behavior led by non manufacturer authorized distributors. However, unlike the export of new cars, the source of parallel exports, although also new cars, adopts a model of being registered domestically and then exported to overseas markets under the name of second-hand cars. In fact, if car companies want to carry out authorized exports overseas, they need to do a lot of preliminary work, involving market research, quality and safety, after-sales service, and other aspects. The investment is very large, and used cars can be exported to areas not covered by the car company's authorization system.
"Ideal Automobile will not authorize any agents or dealers, and will always adhere to the direct sales model." Li Xiang bluntly stated that there are no official restrictions on some Ideal Automobile being "privately exported", and there are no special prices.
In May, Ideal Automobile delivered 35020 new cars, a year-on-year increase of 23.8%. Since the start of delivery, the Ideal L6 has delivered a total of over 15000 vehicles, setting a record for the fastest delivery of the Ideal car's new model. As of May 31, 2024, Ideal Automobile has delivered a total of 774571 vehicles.
Daily Economic News is a comprehensive collection of Weibo from the Legal Department of Ideal Automobile, Daily Economic News (Reporter: Duan Siyao), and public information
Disclaimer: The content and data in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Please verify before use. Based on this operation, the risk is borne by oneself.
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