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Shanghai Securities News, China Securities Network (reporter Wen Ting) "We are ahead of the big model. We need to venture into the no man's land and take risks that have never been taken before." Recently, Robin Lee, the founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, said in Baidu's internal award ceremony that Baidu has always believed that technology can change the world and will always follow this path.
In his speech, he pointed out that innovation is not easy. "Ten innovations, maybe nine will end up in failure. But we will not give up, we will do the 11th and 12th... I believe one day, we will prove to the world that technology is valuable."
Looking back over the past year, Robin Lee said that ERNIE Bot first launched on March 16 last year. After continuous iteration of versions 3.5 and 4.0, the basic capability of the big model has always been at the forefront of China's big model. He said that since last May, when all product lines were reconstructed with the big model, today about 10% of the big search traffic has been generated through ERNIE Bot's model; 2.5 million users use the AI capabilities of the library every day.
According to Robin Lee, nearly 100000 enterprises are now using ERNIE Bot's ability to provide value for their production, products, users and customers; Meanwhile, the unmanned rate of Carrot Run has significantly increased, and large-scale commercial applications and operations are just around the corner.
Robin Lee said that Baidu is constantly improving the efficiency and effect of the big model, reducing the cost and threshold of the big model, so that more and more developers can develop a variety of agents and AI native applications based on ERNIE Bot, so that they can really benefit from it, so that their users and customers can really feel the results brought by AI.
"People always overestimate the short-term value of technology and underestimate the long-term value of technology." Robin Lee said at the end of his speech that in 2023, the dawn of general artificial intelligence has appeared. "In 2024, we will survive and become butterflies."
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