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Just now, Ideal Automobile reported to the public security organs!
Today, the events of Ideal Automobile and Medtronic have attracted much attention. In response to the latest circulating image of the medical statement from Medtech, Ideal Auto stated that it has reported the case!
On August 19th, a statement related to Ideal Auto released by Medtech circulated on social media. The statement stated that Yishide will terminate all relationships with Ideal Automobile from today onwards, and stated that Ideal Automobile had deceived Yishide into writing an apology letter and used it to defame Yishide.
It is worth noting that after elaborating on the dispute with Ideal Auto, the statement pointed the finger at the founder of Ideal Auto and said that Li Xiang's body data, which was trained and identified based on Internet public data, would be published regularly. If Li Xiang did not intervene, he would die of liver cancer in the near future.
As early as July 12th, the official WeChat account of Ideal Automobile's legal department stated that Yishide (Beijing) Medical Technology Co., Ltd. had spread rumors through multiple self media, promoting business cooperation with Ideal Automobile in the field of AI healthcare. The legal department of Ideal Automobile stated that the promotion has no factual basis and constitutes rumors and deception of consumers. After a stern warning, Yishide has removed all infringing content and issued a written apology letter to Ideal Automobile.
As of the time of publication by securities firm China, Ideal Auto Hong Kong stock rose 1.05% to HKD 81.5 per share.
Ideal: Reported!

Just now, the legal department of Ideal Automobile announced on Weibo that Ideal Automobile has never conducted any business negotiations or cooperation with Yishide (Beijing) Medical Technology Co., Ltd. On July 12th, Ideal Automobile has released a statement clarifying the facts through the official Weibo account of the Ministry of Justice. Ideal Automobile has reported to the police regarding the online rumors spread by Yishide Company.
The event went through as follows:
On a certain day in June 2024, while Mr. Li Xiang was dining out, a passerby claimed to be the owner of an Ideal car and took a group photo.

-On the evening of June 22, 2024, various online platforms began to display posters and rumors about the AI medical cooperation between Ideal Automobile and Medtech, as well as photos with Mr. Li Xiang.
-On June 25, 2024, Ideal Automobile sent a lawyer's letter to Medtech, requesting them to cease their infringement behavior and assume corresponding legal responsibilities.
-On July 3, 2024, Zhou, who claimed to be a staff member of Medtech Company, contacted the legal department of Ideal Automobile. During the communication and apology between both parties, Zhou proposed a plan to use this matter for marketing hype, but Ideal Auto refused.
-On July 6, 2024, Zhou issued an apology letter stamped with the seal of Yishide Company.
-On July 12, 2024, the legal department of Ideal Automobile issued an official statement reminding consumers not to be deceived.
-On August 19, 2024, Idealized Auto found that Xiaohongshu, Tiktok, Weibo and other platforms appeared the Solemn Statement of Yishide, which once again rumored that Yishide and Idealized Auto would stop all cooperation, ban Idealized Auto and rumor about Mr. Li Xiang's health.
-On August 20, 2024, Ideal Automobile reported to the public security organs.
[align center] Ideal has issued a statement clarifying the facts

On July 12th, the official WeChat account of the legal department of Ideal Automobile announced that Yishide (Beijing) Medical Technology Co., Ltd. had spread online rumors through multiple self media, claiming that it would conduct business cooperation with Ideal Automobile in the field of AI healthcare. The above promotional content of Yishide Company has no factual basis and belongs to spreading rumors and deceiving consumers.
The legal department of Ideal Automotive has issued a stern warning that Medtech has removed all infringing content and issued a written apology letter to Ideal Automotive. Ideal Automobile hereby clarifies publicly to prevent misunderstandings and losses among consumers.
Ideal Automobile always respects and protects the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and has zero tolerance for infringement such as spreading rumors and deceiving consumers. Ideal Automobile will continue to crack down on such illegal activities through legal means.
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