KFC Homestead Express Delivery Fee Lowered to 6 yuan Packaging Fee Details Announced
发表于 2024-2-20 20:27:21
On February 20th, KFC's adjustment of outsourcing fees sparked heated discussions. According to KFC's official website, the brand announced that the official pricing for KFC Home Delivery Delivery has been lowered from 9 yuan to 6 yuan today. To enhance the service experience of delivering products, insulation upgrades have been made to the packaging bags for external delivery, and dedicated packaging services are provided. Packaging service fees will be charged as appropriate.
The Beijing Business Daily reporter saw through the KFC app that the delivery fee has been reduced from the official price of 9 yuan to 6 yuan. The packaging service fee varies depending on the specific situation. The pricing for main meals and late night snacks shows that there is no packaging fee for beverages. The price for chicken snacks, desserts, and side dishes is 0.6 yuan/serving, while the price for hamburgers, rolls, and rice is 0.8 yuan/serving. The price for whole chicken is 1 yuan/serving. The price for single person meals, 4-piece or less snack dessert sets is 1.2 yuan/serving. The price for double person meals, 5-9 piece snack dessert sets is 2 yuan/serving, and the price for multi person meals, 10 piece or more snack dessert sets is 2.5 yuan/serving.
In terms of breakfast pricing, the beverage packaging fee is 0 yuan, the main food single item and the two-piece set with main food and snacks single item are 0.6 yuan/serve, the single person meal (three piece set) is 0.8 yuan/serve, and the full meal, double meal, and multi person meal are 1.2 yuan/serve. In addition, the standard also indicates that the maximum price for orders with a paid amount of less than 200 yuan (excluding delivery fees) is 2 yuan per order, the maximum price for orders with a paid amount of 200 yuan or more (excluding delivery fees) is 6 yuan per order, and the maximum price for orders with a paid amount of 300 yuan or more (excluding delivery fees) is 9 yuan per order.
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