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On March 8th, during International Women's Day, Lexin's installment store released its first report on the consumption trends of young women. Although the number of female users on the platform is less than that of male users, during the period from March 1st to March 8th at 12:00, female users accounted for over 50% of GMV, holding up more than half of the day; In terms of purchasing categories, the order volume of the 3C digital category has increased by over 70%, ranking first in the best-selling category. New and cutting-edge items such as outdoor travel, trendy clothing, fitness equipment, gold jewelry, etc. have also entered the most popular product series among women.
From the data of the installment shopping mall, women's consumption shows two major characteristics: pursuing quality and rational consumption. In terms of quality of life, attractive and durable women's phones have become popular products. Recently, Huawei released the Pocket 2 small foldable phone, which not only has an online appearance but also offers a cost-effective price compared to its competitors, and is favored by many young female users. On the day of its opening, Huawei's multiple offline stores sparked a frenzy of queuing and buying, and it also ranked among the top three best-selling Huawei phones on the installment store.
In addition, as the weather warms up and the demand for outdoor sports gradually increases, coupled with the demonstration effect of the female lead successfully losing 100 pounds in the Spring Festival movie "Hot and Hot", sports trends such as City Walk and City Ride are becoming important choices for more and more young people. According to data from the installment store, from March 1st to March 8th at 12:00 pm, sports equipment including outdoor running shoes, bicycles, boxing gloves, etc. in the installment store became popular, with growth rates exceeding 100%.
Young women who value quality of life also have obvious rational consumption characteristics, saving as much as possible. They not only value quality, but also value the balance between price and quality. In the platform's best-selling mobile phone list, the iPhone 14 Pro Max with better battery and performance ranks among the top three in mobile phone search volume due to its high cost-effectiveness. In addition, over 90% of female users choose installment payments on the installment shopping mall, reducing the pressure of single installment payments and increasing the selection space.
Saving money is rational, so is smart investment. With the recent overall rise in international gold prices, during the Women's Day promotion period, female users on the platform have significantly increased their purchases of investment products such as gold bars and gold beans, making investing in gold a new fashion for consumption. According to data from the installment store, gold sales increased by 130% year-on-year from March 1st to March 8th at 12:00 pm. AU9999 investment gold bars, 999 full gold small gold beans, and baby gold bracelets ranked among the top 3 on the gold hot selling list.
Behind the rapid growth of female consumer orders is the accelerated release of the consumption potential of young users at present. Lexin's ecological business installment LeMall focuses on serving high-quality and high growth consumer groups such as those born in the 1990s and 1995, fully leveraging its scene advantages and installment characteristics. Focusing on the consumption needs of young users, Lexin focuses on creating a trendy installment experience in merchant introduction and category operation, and deeply explores the consumption potential of young consumers. Strengthen the category construction of camping, cycling, and pet grooming scenes for young people in first and second tier cities; Strengthen the operation of outdoor footwear and clothing, health equipment, health and nourishing snacks, and other categories in response to the trend of young people's new consumption such as sun drying their backs; In addition, we will introduce high-quality merchants in categories such as fashion, sports, and international light luxury to meet the consumption needs of young people under the YOLO values after the epidemic.
Yan Shu, Vice President of Lexin, said, "The rise of young women's consumption power has been one of the key trends we have been paying attention to in recent years. Installment LeMall will continue to pay attention to the differentiated consumption needs of young women, provide more diverse categories and products for young female users, improve the consumption experience, and contribute to the growth of 'her' economy."
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