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Our reporter Jia Li
With the development of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and big models, cloud computing is accelerating into the 3.0 era of deep integration with artificial intelligence, and cloud computing enterprises are entering a new round of competition.
On January 4th, Qian Yifeng, Vice President of Kingsoft Cloud, stated in an interview with Securities Daily that the era of artificial intelligence has just begun, and cloud computing enterprises are facing new development opportunities and will also embark on a new round of competition. "Kingsoft Cloud has formed a foundation capability based on cloud product infrastructure, closely adhering to the development technology of large models, and continuously promoting core products and technologies. This year, it will focus on deploying basic capabilities, platform capabilities, and model services to open up more market space."
"With the rapid penetration of artificial intelligence technology, the role of cloud computing enterprises in the industry has changed. They are no longer just simple providers of computing and storage services, but have gradually evolved into a 'bridge' for the implementation of large model application scenarios. By closely tracking the development trend of artificial intelligence technology, providing application tools and solutions, they can meet the constantly changing needs of the market." Zhu Keli, founding director of the National Research Institute of New Economy, told Securities Daily reporters.
Cloud computing enterprises accelerate their deployment
A report released by research firm IDC in 2023 shows that in the next five years, the next generation of artificial intelligence driven by large models and generative artificial intelligence is expected to drive the overall cloud industry through a downward phase and return to the era of high growth.
In this context, cloud computing enterprises are engaging in a new round of competition on cloud infrastructure. They are launching new cloud computing products and services to meet the needs of artificial intelligence technology. At present, Baidu Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, and Huawei Cloud are all fully deployed in the field of artificial intelligence, focusing on laying out independent and controllable cloud platforms, cloud operating systems, servers, and other cloud bases.
Sun Xiao, the person in charge of the Public Cloud Product Center of Kingsoft Cloud, stated that Kingsoft Cloud is deeply exploring cutting-edge technologies, upgrading core computing, storage, network, database and other products with artificial intelligence through continuous iteration, and comprehensively embracing artificial intelligence from multiple dimensions. Currently, the full stack technology system of Kingsoft Cloud has formed a technical capability based on cloud product infrastructure and cloud product platform services as the core.
At the same time, Huawei Cloud, Kingsoft Cloud, and others are also accelerating the construction of artificial intelligence ecosystems with ecosystem enterprises. Currently, Kingsoft Cloud and its partners are jointly exploring the development of computing resources.
"The market concentration of cloud computing is further increasing, and it has become an oligopoly competition. Cloud computing enterprises are changing their thinking in competition, strengthening their B2B capabilities, and deepening their relationship with ecological enterprises while embarking on a new round of competition to jointly expand the 'cake'." said Gao Yan, Director of Capital Investment at Lighting.
How to locate in the context of the big model craze
At the same time, the hot field of large models in artificial intelligence has also become a new direction for cloud computing enterprises to compete and layout, and large models have gradually become an important technological foundation. According to statistics from Nandu Big Data Research Institute, at least 200 major model manufacturers in China launched their own big models last year. However, contrary to the exponential growth in the number of "big models", there are relatively few truly called big models. "In this wave of big models, Kingsoft Cloud fully leverages its base and platform capabilities, becoming a booster in the model industry, and providing assistance to artificial intelligence customers through MaaS mutual trust reasoning zone solutions and Kingsoft Cloud Qingzhou intelligent inquiry." Qian Yifeng said.
It is understood that recently, Kingsoft Cloud has released the MaaS Mutual Trust Reasoning Zone Solution 2.0 (hereinafter referred to as the MaaS Reasoning Zone Solution), which establishes mutual trust between large model manufacturers, users, and Kingsoft Cloud to further solve the problem of mutual trust between models and data.
Qian Yifeng said: There are three types of players emerging in the field of large models, namely, manufacturers of large model bases, manufacturers of large model training reasoning and practical platforms, and traditional infrastructure service providers. Cloud manufacturers play a special role in this field, having both large-scale underlying computing power and the ability to empower upper level software operations. How to meet the needs of large model manufacturers for model usage and empower their own computing power and basic service capabilities to industry chain enterprises is the cloud factory What businesses need to consider. "
He told reporters, "In the layout of the big model, Kingsoft Cloud is positioned as neutral, and the MaaS inference zone plans to collaborate with partners to provide neutral and stable cloud computing services for the supply and demand sides of the model. This strategy can enable enterprises to focus on improving their own technology, rather than blindly following the popularity of the big model."
"With the continuous development and application of artificial intelligence technology, more and more enterprises are entering the field of cloud computing, and competition is intensifying. While continuously improving their technical strength, cloud computing enterprises should also actively expand their application areas and markets, and find new growth points. Through cooperation and innovation with various enterprises, cloud computing enterprises are expected to accelerate the iteration of artificial intelligence technology and leverage more new blue oceans in the physical industry." Zhu Keli said so.
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