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On November 12, at midnight, 2023, the "Double 11" campaign ended. Both Taotian and JD.com submitted their first report on user size, live streaming data, and growth in some niche markets, without disclosing the total transaction volume. Although more platform data has not yet been released, judging from Taotian and JD.com, which were the first to announce their battle reports, this "Double 11" promotion with "low price" as the main label has seen significant growth for both sides. With the gradual recovery of the consumer market this year, e-commerce platforms have adopted a new approach, with live streaming becoming the main battlefield. The industry points out that in the 15 years since the "Double 11" was held, with the increase of competitors, e-commerce platforms have been competing for new growth dividends with "low prices". Behind this is the comprehensive strength competition of platforms in terms of merchant ecology, logistics chain efficiency, costs, and even "black technology".
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