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The Chinese authorities, who have been carrying out diplomatic insults, economic sanctions, and even military threats against Australia for many years, now welcome the Australian Prime Minister with open arms.   The face-changing diplomacy of the Communist Party of China seems to provide an alternative lesson or lesson to the international community.
Yesterday's hostility was undisguised, today's singing of mutual trust
In the past few years, the Beijing authorities have implemented wave after wave of trade sanctions against Australia, which has "no historical grievances or fundamental conflicts of interest" with it, involving a long series of commodities such as lobster, barley, wine, iron ore, coal, and so on. Observers at home and abroad were surprised to see that, in order to punish Australia, the CPC authorities would resolutely block Australia's coal customs clearance even if the Chinese public were frozen in the cold winter months.
China is Australia's largest and important trading partner. Analysts believe that the Communist Party of China has weaponized the market and trade, and has taken the approach of making Australia submissive and even submissive by means of trade even at the expense of Chinese suffering. In particular, since the first half of 2020, when Australia proposed to conduct an independent investigation on the origin of the novel coronavirus epidemic that broke out in China and spread around the world, the Communist Party of China has hit Australia in many ways, In fact, it is demonstrating an international political lesson of killing chickens and warning monkeys.
Hu Xijin, the former editor in chief of the Global Times, a tabloid of the People's Daily, an organ of the CPC, once regarded abusing and threatening Australia as part of his professional work. He threatened that China could easily launch a military attack on Australia, claiming that Australia was like a piece of chewing gum stuck on the sole of a shoe. He also spoke in the tone of a triad leader and a Chinese leader, saying that China can teach Australia how to "respect" China.
    Your visit can be said to be a bridge between the past and the future. With the joint efforts of both sides, China and Australia have resumed exchanges in various fields and embarked on the right path to improve development relations. As both countries in the Asia Pacific region and important members of the G20, the two countries have no historical grievances or fundamental conflicts of interest, and can fully become partners of mutual trust and mutual achievement
  Before Albanese's trip to China, the Japanese newspaper Nikkei Asia issued a report from Sydney titled "The thawing of China Australia relations demonstrates the limitations of Beijing's economic blackmail".
Australia has made the right choice whether to kowtow or stand up to China
The main Australian newspaper, the Sydney Morning Herald, published a historical review and news commentary by its political and international news editor Peter Hatcher on November 7th, titled "Australia had a choice between kowtowing or standing up to China. We made the right decision".

"In 2005, we received a public notice about Beijing's intention to dominate Australia. A diplomat working at the Chinese Consulate in Sydney defected to Australia and announced that Beijing's action had begun. 'According to their established strategic plan, the CPC has begun to infiltrate Australia in an organized and systematic way,' said Chen Yonglin, a defected diplomat.
"Why are we? Because Australia is regarded as the 'weak link of the western camp'. The purpose of the CPC is to separate Australia from the alliance of the United States. We will become a vassal country, a valuable country (for China).
But at that time, Australia was economically close to China, and there was nothing that could stop Australia from making money. Therefore, Chen's case was widely reported, but it was soon forgotten.
Let's get rich together! "In 1997, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji announced this news in a banquet hall filled with businessmen in Sydney. As he said, Beijing's strategy involves multiple levels. Of course, there is also traditional inter national espionage activities. However, its strategic scope is much wider.
The Communist Party of China has launched an influence operation, partly through its United Front Organization operating in Australia. Wealthy businessmen are sent to reside in Australia to establish an influence empire. Their methods include political donations, sponsoring trips to China, significant investments, and board appointments, with the aim of establishing a circle of support for Beijing
The political and international news editor of the Sydney Morning Herald, Hacher, pointed out in an article that Australia's exports to China once accounted for 38% of its total exports, and this dependence on China's trade prompted China to believe that it could confidently use economic and trade means to subdue Australia;   However, this high pressure and threat from China has had a counterproductive effect, awakening Australian politics and the public to the issue of China.

Today and Yesterday in Australia China Relations
  Xi said, "China and Australia should follow the trend of the times, start from the common interests of the two countries, and jointly build a China Australia relationship of equal treatment, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and mutually beneficial cooperation, promoting the continuous development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Australia. This is in line with the common interests of the two countries and their people, the common expectations of regional countries, and also conducive to the international community better responding to the various risks and challenges brought about by the century long changes in the world

"In 2018, the then Australian government excluded Huawei, a Chinese private enterprise, from the country's 5G network. Two years later, in 2020, Australia requested an international investigation into the origin of the novel coronavirus epidemic. Beijing believed that this move was politically motivated because it came from a close ally of the United States.
At the same time, due to the controversy over China's alleged influence and manipulation of Australian politics, relations between the two countries have also become tense. As a retaliatory measure, China has imposed high tariffs on Australia's main export products such as barley, beef, and wine.
Beijing has also stopped purchasing a large amount of raw materials from Australia, including coal, resulting in Australia losing billions of dollars in revenue
In addition to disputes over issues such as influencing and manipulating Australian politics and independently investigating the origin of the novel coronavirus epidemic, Beijing and Canberra also hold different positions on the South China Sea and Taiwan issues. Australia, along with the United States and its allies, has expressed opposition to Beijing's disregard for international law and disruption of the rule-based international order in the South China Sea issue. It also opposes Beijing's attempt to unilaterally change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait and its threat of force against Taiwan, which endangers peace in East Asia and the world.
Australia has upheld its position on all the aforementioned issues. During this visit to Beijing, Albanese reiterated his support for maintaining the status quo in Taiwan.
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