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Nvidia's market value has evaporated by over $200 billion in two days, and institutions are clearly divided about future trends. Recently, it was reported that at the end of last year, Huang Renxun and executives held a series of meetings to discuss an increasingly worrying issue, which is whether Nvidia's largest customer will run out of data center space to install Nvidia chips, which may affect Nvidia's sales. Huang Renxun does not hope that the company may one day decline like former hardware giants like Cisco. He is pushing the company to enter the software and cloud services fields and compete with its biggest customers. According to market reports, Nvidia's competitor, AI chip startup Cerebras, has secretly submitted its IPO documents to securities regulatory authorities. Kevin Demper, analyst at Renaissance Macro Research, pointed out that in early March of this year, Nvidia's stock price also showed a similar trend, with the stock briefly experiencing a 20% decline. He believes that a similar 20% pullback will bring Nvidia back to its trading price of around $110 at the beginning of this month.
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