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In 2008, the United States broke out the subprime mortgage crisis, the essence of the subprime mortgage crisis is that the United States real estate has grown to the limit, and the money in the pockets of the American people is no longer enough to support the price of real estate to continue to rise.

This directly led to the collapse of the stock prices of the two giant US mortgage companies - Fannie Mae and Freddie MAC, and the large-scale losses of the financial institutions holding the "two Fannie Mae", which directly shook the foundation of the US finance.
The US government, aware of the crisis, ordered the Treasury and the Federal Reserve to take over Fannie and Freddie. The US government also has no good solution, the only way is to print more dollars to save the financial institutions that are on the verge of collapse, which is the so-called dollar quantitative easing policy.
The Fed has carried out four rounds of large-scale dollar quantitative easing, directly issuing trillions of dollars in excess, and this money has brought many industries such as banks, real estate, and auto manufacturing back to life.
Normally, the dollar is pegged to the price of oil, but the United States has broken this rule. Americans were surprised to discover that dollars that did not rely on anchors could be issued in unlimited quantities.
As long as the United States is the most powerful country in the world, as long as the dollar is the world currency, the United States does not have to consider its own economic situation, the dollar can be circulated to all corners of the world, and people all over the world are paying for the dollar, and there is not enough money to print money.
In the long run, the United States will issue a large number of dollars will inevitably make itself into a debt crisis, but as long as the United States is the world's leader, it is OK, it is like a black boss owes a butt debt, but no one dares to debt, people behind the US military?

If you can't beat the U.S. military, the United States no matter how big the debt crisis, really can't be denied, you can take the United States what way, the U.S. military is the base of the entire United States.
The United States is a financial capital control country, the essence of finance is to put money into the industry to make money, to make more money, the financial capital of the United States began to flow into the world.
The flow is complicated, and the result is that wherever more money can be made, more financial capital can be attracted, and so on.
After the financial capital from the United States flowed to other parts of the world, there was soon a feedback that the return on investment in China's real estate industry was the highest, and the manufacturing, service and real estate industries in Japan, South Korea and Europe were nothing compared with the return on investment in China's real estate.
This gave US capital a direction to enter China's real estate industry, highly binding the US dollar to China's real estate industry, so that China's real estate industry continued to make money for US capital.
The United States also realized that it cannot rely on American capital alone, it must find real estate agents and financial agents in China, and these agents stand in front of the stage, while Americans stand behind.
The US has played a big game against China.
As a result, China's housing prices began to rise in 2008.
Think about it, in 2008, the Chinese people did not have much money in their hands, relying only on their own money, it is impossible to support the explosive growth of Chinese real estate.

This is like the stock market, where there are retail investors can push up the share price, only the banker can use large funds to push up the share price. The Chuangs are, of course, American capital and its agents in China.
Chinese people see that real estate can make money, so desperately put money into it, the real estate industry is like a printing machine, no matter how much money is invested, but also to earn high profits.
More and more people are borrowing money, borrowing from banks and other ways to put their assets into real estate, and some people are risking their lives.
In this way, the US dollar is bound to China's real estate and the interests of the Chinese people. It can be said that China's high housing prices are the inevitable result of the financial colonization of China by the United States.
So there are two strange phenomena, the scale of debt in the United States is getting bigger and bigger, and the housing price in China is getting higher and higher, because a lot of excess dollars in the United States have entered the real estate industry in China.
Some people say that it is China's financial capital that has pushed up housing prices, but in fact, with China's limited financial capital, it is impossible to push China's housing prices so high.
This is a Wolf with meat relationship.
There was a hunter hunting wolves in Alaska. He thought of a clever way to stick a piece of meat into a sharp dagger. The Wolf caught the smell of meat and accidentally cut his tongue.
Yet the cold weather numbed his tongue, and the blood that flowed made it more excited, and the Wolf kept licking the blood from the dagger, and at last the Wolf bled to death in his own excitement.
The hunter is an American, the Wolf is an investor, and the dagger is real estate. If we can't wake the Wolf up in time, the Wolf will die.

We are aware of the danger of real estate bubble, because the high profits of real estate have pushed the manufacturing industry with meager profits to the brink of collapse, many real industries have been transformed into the real estate industry, and a large number of technology companies have invested money in real estate rather than research and development.
Many agents of American capital have made a big profit, and many of them have long prepared their retreat, sending their wives and children abroad, transferring their capital abroad, and preparing to run away at any time.
It can be said that today's real estate agents, some have immigrated, and some are on the way to immigration.
China has taken the initiative to burst the property bubble and bring bad businessmen to justice. China is struggling to resolve the crisis.
China's initiative to resolve the real estate crisis is not expected by many American capital and its agents, which is also the reason why many real estate giants want to run but can not run away.
Finally, to sum up, issuing more dollars and shifting the crisis is a common tactic used by the United States, but this time it selected Chinese real estate. So who will it be next time?
In this world, only the size of China can satisfy the appetite of the United States, because China has a large population, has a relatively developed economy, and can easily and quickly find an agent.
There is no doubt that China will remain the object of American capital for a long time to come, and we cannot take it lightly.

At the same time, we must greatly strengthen the construction of national defense and build a strong military, only when the Chinese military can directly compete with the US military, the dollar hegemony will collapse.
As long as the hegemony of the dollar collapses, it will be useless for the United States to think about us, and if the renminbi becomes the world currency, it will be our turn to think about the Americans.
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