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The Central African economy continues to cut

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A while ago, the West has been hyping something, accurately described as provoking, first look at the data: the latest data compiled by the Center for Global Development Policy at Boston University in the United States shows that in 2021 and 2022, China made 16 new loan commitments to African countries, with a total value of $2.22 billion.
The world stretched - The US University analysis shows that from 2017 to 2019 pre-pandemic to pre-pandemic (2020-2022), the average loan fell 37%, from $213.03 million to $135.15 million.
Although I do not know how this data is calculated, it is immediately hyped, the purpose is to alienate the relationship between China and Africa, and the clear eye knows that it is the epidemic factor, which is a normal economic behavior.
From 2000 to 2022, 39 Chinese lending institutions provided 1,243 loans to 49 African governments and seven regional institutions, with a total value of $17.08 billion.
In terms of trade, China has long been a major partner of Africa, and its trade with Africa in 2022 has increased to $282 billion, an increase of 11% over the previous year, which is more than four times the US trade with Africa in 2022 of $63 billion. Considering the various divisions the United States had in Africa last year, it is not difficult to see that the old United States "never stops doing bad things."
After a detailed analysis, China's investment in Africa was mainly infrastructure construction. In Africa, due to the epidemic, the economy has been greatly challenged. The United States is precisely raising interest rates, which makes African countries worse, and the number and scale of infrastructure construction will naturally decrease.
However, China will never lose interest in investing in Africa, as long as the two sides are mutually beneficial and enjoy broad prospects for cooperation.
Not long ago, the Algerian president said in an interview that they planned to build 6,000 kilometers of railways, promote mining and trade exchanges, and confirmed that Chinese enterprises were invited to participate.
So no matter how much the West instils, the facts speak louder than words.
China has built 6,000 kilometers of railways, 6,000 kilometers of roads, 20 ports, 80 large power facilities, 130 hospitals and 170 schools on the African continent.
The recent upheavals in some African countries were the result of their confrontation with the West. Here's an example:
In Gabon, despite its wealth of gold, diamonds, manganese, uranium, iron ore, gas, and oil, more than 30 percent of people live on less than $1 a day, while 60 percent of the country has no access to health care or clean drinking water - dominated by French companies such as Eramat, Total, and Ariva.
Despite an abundance of rare earths, copper, uranium and gold, 70% of Malians still live in abject poverty. Similarly, Sudan is rich in oil, fertile soil and water, but 77% of the population lives below the poverty line.
In uranium-rich Niger, which provides more than 35% of the fuel for France's nuclear industry (70% of France's energy) and is largely controlled by the French company Oano, only 3% of Nigerians have access to electricity. In Chad, a "former" French colony, the figure is only slightly higher at 9 percent, while in Burkina Faso it is still an unacceptable 20 percent.
It can be seen that from the statements made on various occasions, Africa basically does not trust the West and will not compromise on issues of core interests. After all, the strategic power level is no longer the sole power of the West.
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