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Recently, Beike released the 2023 Beike Carbon Neutrality Target and Action Route Report, promising to achieve carbon neutrality at its operational level no later than 2030.
This is the first time that Shell has released a carbon neutrality target and action path. Shell promises to achieve carbon neutrality at its operational level (Scope 1 and Scope 2) no later than 2030. By 2030, the carbon emission intensity of the headquarters and real estate brokerage business value chain (Fan Weisan) will decrease by 60% compared to the benchmark year 2022, and the carbon emission intensity of the home decoration and rental business value chain (Fan Weisan) will decrease by 30% compared to the benchmark year 2022.
Strengthening top-level design and exploring green development paths
"We have comprehensively evaluated the potential physical and transformation risks of climate change on business operations, and established the Sustainable Development Department of Beike Corporate Social Responsibility Center in 2022 to plan strategic layout in advance and firmly grasp the strategic initiative of Beike's sustainable development and low-carbon transformation." The carbon neutrality report mentioned that in the past two years, Beike has conducted two inventories of greenhouse gases generated by its real estate brokerage business and overall. Based on the carbon inventory work and taking into account factors such as future business planning, industry low-carbon development level, and current emission reduction measures, Beike has proposed carbon neutrality goals and action plans.
At the operational level, Beike plans to implement emission reduction measures through management efficiency improvement, energy structure optimization, and technological innovation. About 80% of Shell's operational emissions come from emissions generated from purchased electricity, with nearly 80% coming from electricity usage in stores. Therefore, energy conservation in stores is of utmost importance for Shell to achieve its own operational carbon neutrality goals. For this purpose, Beike has introduced an energy intelligent control system to intelligently analyze, diagnose, and optimize the energy usage of its stores, striving to reduce energy consumption and emissions per unit area. In September 2023, Beijing Lianjia Alpha Community Store has obtained LEED Gold certification, making it the first Lianjia store to pass LEED certification. Starting from this, Beike will continue to promote the landing of more green stores.
At the value chain level, Beike will actively promote upstream and downstream ecological partners to reduce emissions and carbon emissions, and carry out emission reduction measures from three perspectives: green procurement, green supply chain, and green logistics, to assist the low-carbon development of the industry. According to the 2022 shell carbon accounting results, about 55% of the emissions in the shell value chain come from the daily procurement of shells, including product procurement during business operations and material procurement to support the company's own operations; About 21% of emissions come from data centers leased by shells; About 15% of emissions come from large equipment, vehicles, furniture, etc. purchased by shells.
On the procurement side of home decoration products, Beike cooperates with upstream and downstream industries to explore lightweight and low-carbon decoration. By selecting decoration materials in a standardized and modular manner, the digitalization level and installation proportion are improved; In the decoration design stage, lightweight furniture with flexible loading and unloading is preferred; Promote low-carbon development in the industry, actively participate in the formulation of low-carbon and sustainable development standards for the decoration and building materials industry; In terms of product transportation, taking Beike Beijing Home Decoration Material Warehouse as an example, 95% of the branch line delivery vehicles from the Beijing warehouse to the business demand area are electric vehicles.
Technology empowers low-carbon and works together to build a better home

The use of VR technology to assist in low-carbon and environmental protection has become a major feature of Shell's daily operations. Based on independently developed VR collection software and hardware, it effectively improves the efficiency of agents and clients in viewing houses, while also helping clients and agents reduce their travel carbon footprint. In 2022, users of the Shell platform have used VR to view houses a total of 1.508 billion times, reducing over 2.7898 million tons of carbon emissions compared to traditional on-site viewing.
Beike continues to promote paperless service boundaries at different transaction stages. The current paperless service model of Beike has covered scenarios such as online real estate signing, online evaluation, online loan signing, and online notarization, and has achieved partial paperless in the signing of contracts for home decoration, leasing, and store end agreements. In 2022, a total of over 68 million sheets of paper were saved, reducing approximately 593 tons of carbon emissions compared to traditional paper contracts. By using the BIM system and 3D visualization, the Shell Home Decoration business achieves comprehensive online design solutions, reducing reliance on physical design drawings.
In daily operations, shells will fully leverage their rooted community attributes and guide community residents to participate in carbon reduction practices. Starting from September 2020, Beike has launched three phases of "Blue Ocean Action", combining low-carbon behaviors of users and employees with carbon reduction contributions, and planting red tree seedlings in the form of individual or co planting. In June 2023, Beike became one of the first corporate members to join the China Action community of the World Economic Forum's "Global Leaders in Planting Trillion Trees" initiative.
Co founder and Chairman of Beike CEO Peng Yongdong said, "Regarding carbon neutrality, Beike is committed to addressing climate change, which will be one of the important topics in Beike's future work. As a technology driven one-stop new residential service platform, we hope to drive a larger range of carbon reduction through technology empowerment and community links, and to use technologies such as VR, AR, and online signing to encourage users, brokers, and other relevant parties to participate, and jointly create a low-carbon future in the residential field."
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